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RFC document, tooling and other content related to the array API standard
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RFC: revisit requirement that inputs to `real`, `imag`, and `conj` be complex-valued #824

Open mdhaber opened 3 months ago

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

gh-427 summarizes the rationale for requiring that inputs to real, imag, and conj be complex-valued:

This PR chooses to be more restrictive based on the premise that consumers should be explicit when performing a complex number operation (e.g., if real-valued inputs are allowed, was calling real(x) intentional when providing a real-valued x or was this an unintended bug where x should have been complex valued?). Given potential ambiguity between intended versus unintended behavior, this PR places the onus on consumers to resolve this ambiguity. states that this is open to being revisited.

If the concern is ambiguity between intended and unintended use, was there a similar discussion for functions that are no-ops for integers, such as round and isinf? It looks like the initial commit that added rounding functions already included the special case for integers, but I couldn't find a discussion about it.

Perhaps it didn't come up because it is common for code paths that work on floating point dtypes to also be used for integer dtypes. In the same way, I'd suggest that code for complex dtypes can also be valid for real dtypes. If it is not easy to tell whether unintended or intended uses of these functions on real data is more common in the wild, perhaps the precedent set by NumPy and other libraries (e.g. CuPy, JAX, PyTorch, Dask Array, Tensorflow) is not wrong, and these functions can allow real input.

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

Has this come up in real-world code? I can definitely see wanting to write functions that work on both real and complex dtypes. But I also am curious how often a complex implementation can be directly reused for a real implementation.

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

Yes. I have a complex number that is the logarithm of a negative real number. I take the real component to get the magnitude.

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

Wouldn't real(log(x)) return nan if x is a negative real?

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

It would if x had a real dtype. Let's expand the definition of "real" to include complex dtype with zero imaginary component. Another example is the norm of a real or complex vector implemented in terms of the dot product of the vector and its conjugate.

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

There must be a misunderstanding here. real is already supposed to work on any array with a complex64 or complex128 dtype, regardless of what the value of the imaginary component is. The above discussion was specifically about whether it should work on float32 and float64 arrays.

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

Another example is the norm of a real or complex vector implemented in terms of the dot product of the vector and its conjugate.

This is a better example I think. x @ conj(y) would just work and give the right thing for real x and y if conj(y) was a no-op.

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

There must be a misunderstanding here.

It seems so. But all that's important is that in my application, there are real and complex dtypes going through the same code, and real is needed for the complex dtypes, so it would be convenient for real to work on both real and complex dtypes. So it is relevant to this discussion.

This is a better example I think.

Sure, it's simpler. I mentioned the original example because it was the most recent time I've wanted real to work for both real and complex types, and it's more interesting, suggesting that there may be other more exotic - but also valid - use cases out there.

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

It definitely make sense to me for conj. I guess you could argue real and imag should probably just work the same.

Your example real(log(x)) doesn't make sense to me, because you would have to either do real(log(astype(x, complex128))) or else branch like

if isdtype(x.dtype, 'real floating'): 
    return log(abs(x))
    return real(log(x))

but maybe there are better examples for real and imag. If you're using any function that maps real numbers to non-real numbers (like log, sqrt, etc.), then you have to do something like this, because on floats they will just return nan, but if you aren't, then real numbers should just pass through fine.

kgryte commented 3 months ago

For real, imag, and conj, I am not sure the real benefit apart from saving some character strokes. If your code needs to support real and complex dtypes, one can explicitly cast by doing

re = xp.real(xp.astype(x, dtype='complex128', copy=False))

where copy=False ensures that if the dtype matches, the operation is a no-op. Graph-based libraries would also be able to determine whether real(astype(<real>)) is necessary. Only eagerly executed libraries such as NumPy may perform an extra copy by casting real to complex.

It would be useful to see an explicit use case beyond a toy example of where sharing the same code path for real and complex is necessary and performance critical.

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

Your example real(log(x)) doesn't make sense to me

I haven't tried to explain that example in complete detail. If everyone is interested, we can review the code, but I thought the basic outline would suffice.

For real, imag, and conj, I am not sure the real benefit apart from saving some character strokes

Yeah, I think that's the only benefit I'm suggesting. I don't have any examples where the extra decision (real vs complex) is performance critical. It is only a line of ternary and a few microseconds. It just seemed that the motivation for disallowing real with real input was the idea that unintended uses were more common than legitimate uses. I didn't see data about unintended or legitimate uses - it seemed to be just notional - so I thought I'd add some data about legitimate uses.

If the decision here is to leave real/imag/conj unchanged, that's fine; I've already worked around it. Just trying to help improve things based on my experience converting NumPy code to the array API. I'm doing a lot of it, and there are a lot of little things I notice. I'm only reporting the things I think are most important.

But then I'm curious - why not raise an error when one tries to round or perform a similar no-op on an integer dtype? That is, what is the difference that makes it appropriate to raise an error for real/image/conj with real argument but inappropriate to raise an error for round/floor/isinf/etc. with integer argument?

asmeurer commented 3 months ago

I think the conjugating dot product is a legitimate enough use-case. You can have an expression that's exactly the same for complex and real inputs except for the conjugation, which is actually a no-op on real numbers. So you'd have to have something like

if isdtype(x.dtype, 'complex floating'):
    <expression with conj>
    <same expression without conj>

Or do some trick like conj = positive. But if conj(x) just returned x for non-complex dtypes you could just use the single expression without the branching.

Also note that casting to complex is the wrong solution here. That does have a real performance impact. Not only do complex arrays take up more memory, but a complex algorithm on an array with 0 imaginary part will be much slower than a real algorithm on an equivalent float array. For example:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: a = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

In [3]: b = a + 0j

In [4]: %timeit np.sqrt(a)
450 ns ± 2.88 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)

In [5]: %timeit np.sqrt(b)
3.88 µs ± 8.78 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

This is only the correct thing to do in cases where you don't get the same expression for real inputs, like the log example (and even for that example, branching and doing log(abs(x)) instead is probably better).

mdhaber commented 3 months ago

Thanks @asmeurer.

I think another thing worth mentioning is that a lot of array API standard code is translation from existing code. For instance, I brought this up when translating a file with NumPy code that has 11 uses of np.real or <array>.real. In at least some of those cases, the dtype can be real or complex, and apparently the code works. So when I am making hundreds of other adjustments for the array API standard, I don't want to:

For simplicity, I wrapped real so that I have the ternary logic but don't have to write it out a dozen times.

But all the little changes can add up to a lot of developer time, so I thought revisiting this might save others some effort in the future. It could indeed be the other way - that by being stricter than the existing array libraries, this prevents bugs - but if we don't have data on that, and we have some evidence of legitimate use cases, it might be OK to follow the precedent set by the libraries.

asmeurer commented 2 months ago

Another thing to consider is that astype() is explicitly disallowed from casting complex inputs to real inputs (see note 2 at So real() should be considered the canonical way to get the real part of a complex array. One could then argue that, like astype, it should function as a no-op for arrays that are already real.

There is also a question of imag(). imag on a real array would just be an array of zeros, which would make it not completely cheap (I suppose it could be done as a broadcasted scalar, but that would lead to unexpected behavior under mutation). On the other hand, I think it makes more sense to keep imag consistent with real and conj.

By the way, just so we're clear, are you also suggesting that these functions should operate on integer arrays, or only on real floating-point arrays?

rgommers commented 2 months ago

I have also encountered the usability issue with conj() a few times already (also x @ conj(y.T indeed) - being able to write generic code across real and complex dtypes is nicer indeed, we should make this change in my opinion.

For real() I also agree with the arguments given - it's easier to write generic code, and it saves developer time. It's possible that the user wrote code that isn't supposed to work with real inputs, but I haven't seen evidence of this and I don't consider it a risk high enough that it should be prevented by design.

imag() is more tricky. The usages I looked at so far at were either handling only complex code, or were doing not-so-useful things for real inputs (e.g., explicitly comparing x.imag with an array of zeros in tests), or were better rewritten with an explicit if isdtype(x.dtype, 'complex floating'): ... else: ....

There is also a question of imag(). imag on a real array would just be an array of zeros, which would make it not completely cheap (I suppose it could be done as a broadcasted scalar, but that would lead to unexpected behavior under mutation).

This is the problem indeed. It's bad API for a function like np.imag to return a view on existing data for complex inputs, and create a new array for real dtypes. It's both a non-obvious performance footgun and a potential issue with the semantics. When you're dealing with large arrays, having something go from O(1) performance to allocating a lot of memory is not good. In the majority of cases, you want to skip the computation completely for real input, or do the relevant computations with a size-1 array or Python scalar instead.

In the (relatively rare I think) cases where this is the desired semantics:

if isdtype(x.dtype, 'complex floating'):
    imag_component = x.imag
    imag_component = xp.zeros_like(x)

it seems better to let the user write that out explicitly.

For completeness, performance:

>>> x = np.random.default_rng().standard_normal(10_000_000)
>>> x.dtype
>>> xc = x.astype(np.complex128)

>>> %timeit xc.imag
50.3 ns ± 0.154 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000,000 loops each)
>>> %timeit x.imag
4.43 ms ± 74 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
mdhaber commented 2 months ago

and create a new array for real dtypes

Would it have to, or could it be implemented as a view of a single zero element? It should not be writeable anyway, since the original array would still be of real dtypes, so the imaginary part could not be anything other than zero.

rgommers commented 2 months ago

Would it have to, or could it be implemented as a view of a single zero element?

In principle it could be aliased memory from broadcasting a size-1 array indeed. However, (a) NumPy isn't going to make that change I think, and (b) that still has mismatching semantics where imag(x_real) would not be writeable or have incorrect semantics under mutation for libraries that don't have read-only arrays, while imag(x_complex) is writeable. Switching semantics based on the dtype of the input array is also not good.

It should not be writeable anyway, since the original array would still be of real dtypes, so the imaginary part could not be anything other than zero.

Currently the returned array is writeable, so there'd be a backwards compat concern for NumPy et al. too.

mdhaber commented 2 months ago

Currently the returned array is writeable, so there'd be a backwards compat concern for NumPy et al. too.

Well, in CuPy and Dask array, it looks like. Not NumPy, Torch (doesn't allow imag on real arrays), Tensorflow, or JAX.

import numpy as xp  # 1.26 or 2.0
x = xp.asarray([1., 2., 3.])
y = xp.imag(x)
y[1] = 10
# ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

NumPy isn't going to make that change I think

The standard doesn't specify whether libraries should return a view or copy - does it ever specify writability? If not, NumPy wouldn't have to change to be compatible with the standard. It just might not be the preferred implementation of the standard. (If you want to keep the two consistent, perhaps neither would be writable. But personally, I don't think it would be so surprising for the imaginary part of a complex array to be writable while the imaginary part of a real array is not. After all, a complex value cannot be assigned to an element of a real array.)

That said, I haven't yet identified a need for imag of a real array, so I would not let concerns over that hold up real of a real array, personally.

asmeurer commented 2 months ago

The latest version of torch does allow real and conj but not imag on real arrays:

>>> torch.real(torch.tensor([1.]))
>>> torch.conj(torch.tensor([1.]))
>>> torch.imag(torch.tensor([1.]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: imag is not implemented for tensors with non-complex dtypes.

We agreed at the meeting today that it makes sense to allow real dtype inputs to real and conj, but to leave imag as only specified for complex inputs.

jakirkham commented 2 months ago

FWIW generally agree and am sympathetic to the arguments Matt makes here. Also agree with Ralf that real and conj make the most sense

and create a new array for real dtypes

Would it have to, or could it be implemented as a view of a single zero element? It should not be writeable anyway, since the original array would still be of real dtypes, so the imaginary part could not be anything other than zero.

While this is possible, have seen NumPy's masked array also take this approach (False scalar as shorthand for an array full of False as the mask). As a past user of it, have found some of the resulting code around this to be surprising. When does it choose to expand the mask? What happens when working with views/slices of the data (can one affect masking there and have it propagate back)? Not always consistent and clear to the user. So would caution this approach