data-cleaning / errorlocate

Find and replace erroneous fields in data using validation rules
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if (<var> == FALSE) ... handled incorrectly (<= 0.3 #23

Closed edwindj closed 4 years ago

edwindj commented 4 years ago

This is an edge case, which happens only when a logical variable is used with FALSE.

rules <- validator(if (A == FALSE) x > 0)
data <- data.frame(A = FALSE, x = -1)

This should return an error (but it doesn't):

locate_errors(data, rules)$errors
##          A     x
edwindj commented 4 years ago

Fixed in >= 0.3

rules <- validator(if (A == FALSE) x > 0)
data <- data.frame(A = FALSE, x = -1)

This should return an error:

locate_errors(data, rules)$errors
##          A    x
## [1,] FALSE TRUE