Closed anilprobable closed 1 year ago
Hi @anilprobable sorry for the late response! It looks like your issue is on the permissions of the pivotRole:
dataallPivotRole is not authorized to perform: ram:CreateResourceShare on resource: arn:aws🐏us-east-1:260XXXXX9338:resource-share/* with an explicit deny (Service: AWSRAM; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: d7972317-bc7e-462f-bd99-a971fd36e8be; Proxy: null)
We can check a couple of things
permission?Let's see if we find a solution to your issue :)
Thanks for looking into it.
Issue has been resolved. From Guardrail explicit deny configured, which is now fixed.
Hi @dlpzx We are also getting similar issue and pivot role contains ram:CreateResourceShare permission and we do not have any guard rail rules or SCP configured. Is there any other possibility? Scenerio: We have imported a S3 bucket and existing database and tables to data.all. User A initiated share request for data set and added all the tables to request and submitted request. Error in logs is same as the mentioned issue.
P.S. Don't attach files. Please, prefer add code snippets directly in the message body. Hi .. I facing an issue while sharing tables in Prod env. In Dev and QA env this sharing Glue catalog table working fine.
Here is the scenario -
Account 2602XXXX9338 A - Dataset created Account 8282XXXX3582 B - Dataset Share request and submit Account 2602XXXX9338 A - Database table access approved, but share failed with following error for tables-
Please suggest if I need to give the permission on lakeformation. Even I cant see the tables in AWS resource access manager.
Error log - timestamp message 1.68718E+12 '"-- Using schema: prd --" 1.68718E+12 Starting processing task for share : r2oxlche... 1.68718E+12 Updating share object r2oxlche in DB from Approved to state Share_In_Progress 1.68718E+12 Granting permissions to folders: [] 1.68718E+12 ##### Starting Sharing folders ####### 1.68718E+12 sharing folders succeeded = True 1.68718E+12 Granting permissions to tables: [<dataall.db.models.DatasetTable.DatasetTable object at 0x7f7a8442cb80>, <dataall.db.models.DatasetTable.DatasetTable object at 0x7f7a8442cf40>, <dataall.db.models.DatasetTable.DatasetTable object at 0x7f7a8442cf70>, <dataall.db.models.DatasetTable.DatasetTable object at 0x7f7a84434160>] 1.68718E+12 ##### Starting Sharing tables cross account ####### 1.68718E+12 Granting database permissions ['ALL'] to arn:aws:iam::260XXXXX9338:role/dataallPivotRole on database iff_ot_curr_data 1.68718E+12 Successfully granted principal arn:aws:iam::260XXXXX9338:role/dataallPivotRole permissions ['ALL'] to iff_ot_curr_data 1.68718E+12 Creating shared db ...8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Database iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche does not exist on account 8282XXXX3582... 1.68718E+12 Creating Glue database with input: {'Name': 'iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche', 'Description': 'dataall database iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche ', 'CreateTableDefaultPermissions': [], 'LocationUri': 's3://iffdataprd-nsva-curated-use1'} 1.68718E+12 response Create Database: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '3ec95794-5aae-4f31-9bb4-cd9adcff4eac', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:31 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1', 'content-length': '2', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '3ec95794-5aae-4f31-9bb4-cd9adcff4eac'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}} 1.68718E+12 Granting database permissions ['ALL'] to arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/dataallPivotRole on database iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Successfully granted principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/dataallPivotRole permissions ['ALL'] to iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Granting database permissions ['DESCRIBE'] to arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ on database iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Successfully granted principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ permissions ['DESCRIBE'] to iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Sharing table asset_hierarchy_metadata... 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB ofir7eqs status to Share_In_Progress 1.68718E+12 Glue table found: {'accountid': '260XXXXX9338', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'tablename': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata'} 1.68718E+12 Revoking IAMAllowedGroups Super permission for table iff_ot_curr_data|asset_hierarchy_metadata 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoking [{'Id': '657fba54-e91b-4b14-81c2-12eef26a7c3d', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata', 'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}] 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoke response: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '1c9ed3b5-1dbf-4000-9c5e-8f41af582065', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:34 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '597', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '1c9ed3b5-1dbf-4000-9c5e-8f41af582065', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'Failures': [{'RequestEntry': {'Id': '657fba54-e91b-4b14-81c2-12eef26a7c3d', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}, 'Error': {'ErrorCode': 'InvalidInputException', 'ErrorMessage': 'No permissions revoked. Grantee does not does not have:[ALL]'}}]} 1.68718E+12 Could not grant principal 8282XXXX3582 permissions ['DESCRIBE', 'SELECT'] to table iff_ot_curr_data.asset_hierarchy_metadata due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: User: arn:aws:sts::260XXXXX9338:assumed-role/dataallPivotRole/dataallPivotRole is not authorized to perform: ram:CreateResourceShare on resource: arn:aws:ram:us-east-1:260XXXXX9338:resource-share/ with an explicit deny (Service: AWSRAM; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: d7972317-bc7e-462f-bd99-a971fd36e8be; Proxy: null) 1.68718E+12 Granted access to table asset_hierarchy_metadata to external account 8282XXXX3582 1.68718E+12 Found resource_share_associations : [] 1.68718E+12 Listing invitations for resourceShareArns: [] 1.68718E+12 Found 0 RAM invitations for resourceShareArn: [] 1.68718E+12 Creating ResourceLink asset_hierarchy_metadata in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Glue table not found: {'accountid': '8282XXXX3582', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche', 'tablename': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata'} 1.68718E+12 Successfully created ResourceLink asset_hierarchy_metadata in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Granted resource link DESCRIBE access to principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ on 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche/asset_hierarchy_metadata 1.68718E+12 Failed granting principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ read access to resource link on target 260XXXXX9338://iff_ot_curr_data/asset_hierarchy_metadata due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_hierarchy_metadata 1.68718E+12 Resource Link {'Name': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata', 'TargetTable': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_hierarchy_metadata'}} was not created due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_hierarchy_metadata 1.68718E+12 Failed to share table asset_hierarchy_metadata from source account 260XXXXX9338//us-east-1 with target account 8282XXXX3582/us-east-1due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_hierarchy_metadata 1.68718E+12 Triggering share failure alarm... 1.68718E+12 Sending deployment failure notification 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB ofir7eqs status to Share_Failed 1.68718E+12 Sharing table asset_metadata... 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB j378hk9m status to Share_In_Progress 1.68718E+12 Glue table found: {'accountid': '260XXXXX9338', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'tablename': 'asset_metadata'} 1.68718E+12 Revoking IAMAllowedGroups Super permission for table iff_ot_curr_data|asset_metadata 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoking [{'Id': 'cb95f3c7-e91f-46f4-935e-2221b48383b0', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_metadata', 'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}] 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoke response: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '8a790792-0e3c-474f-a679-65a18e66cefb', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:43 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '587', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '8a790792-0e3c-474f-a679-65a18e66cefb', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'Failures': [{'RequestEntry': {'Id': 'cb95f3c7-e91f-46f4-935e-2221b48383b0', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_metadata'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}, 'Error': {'ErrorCode': 'InvalidInputException', 'ErrorMessage': 'No permissions revoked. Grantee does not does not have:[ALL]'}}]} 1.68718E+12 Could not grant principal 8282XXXX3582 permissions ['DESCRIBE', 'SELECT'] to table iff_ot_curr_data.asset_metadata due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: User: arn:aws:sts::260XXXXX9338:assumed-role/dataallPivotRole/dataallPivotRole is not authorized to perform: ram:CreateResourceShare on resource: arn:aws:ram:us-east-1:260XXXXX9338:resource-share/ with an explicit deny (Service: AWSRAM; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 2d824c3b-2e2b-4fcf-9f4d-e6aba13159d2; Proxy: null) 1.68718E+12 Granted access to table asset_metadata to external account 8282XXXX3582 1.68718E+12 Found resource_share_associations : [] 1.68718E+12 Listing invitations for resourceShareArns: [] 1.68718E+12 Found 0 RAM invitations for resourceShareArn: [] 1.68718E+12 Creating ResourceLink asset_metadata in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Glue table not found: {'accountid': '8282XXXX3582', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche', 'tablename': 'asset_metadata'} 1.68718E+12 Successfully created ResourceLink asset_metadata in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Granted resource link DESCRIBE access to principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ on 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche/asset_metadata 1.68718E+12 Failed granting principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ read access to resource link on target 260XXXXX9338://iff_ot_curr_data/asset_metadata due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_metadata 1.68718E+12 Resource Link {'Name': 'asset_metadata', 'TargetTable': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'asset_metadata'}} was not created due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_metadata 1.68718E+12 Failed to share table asset_metadata from source account 260XXXXX9338//us-east-1 with target account 8282XXXX3582/us-east-1due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table asset_metadata 1.68718E+12 Triggering share failure alarm... 1.68718E+12 Sending deployment failure notification 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB j378hk9m status to Share_Failed 1.68718E+12 Sharing table agg... 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB lbg8scx8 status to Share_In_Progress 1.68718E+12 Glue table found: {'accountid': '260XXXXX9338', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'tablename': 'agg'} 1.68718E+12 Revoking IAMAllowedGroups Super permission for table iff_ot_curr_data|agg 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoking [{'Id': 'd17eabc8-183f-43a2-b389-e76d5cdcefbf', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'agg', 'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}] 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoke response: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '30318d5a-04b5-40b7-b3a0-9cedf37310a4', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:51 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '576', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '30318d5a-04b5-40b7-b3a0-9cedf37310a4', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'Failures': [{'RequestEntry': {'Id': 'd17eabc8-183f-43a2-b389-e76d5cdcefbf', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'agg'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}, 'Error': {'ErrorCode': 'InvalidInputException', 'ErrorMessage': 'No permissions revoked. Grantee does not does not have:[ALL]'}}]} 1.68718E+12 Could not grant principal 8282XXXX3582 permissions ['DESCRIBE', 'SELECT'] to table iff_ot_curr_data.agg due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: User: arn:aws:sts::260XXXXX9338:assumed-role/dataallPivotRole/dataallPivotRole is not authorized to perform: ram:CreateResourceShare on resource: arn:aws:ram:us-east-1:260XXXXX9338:resource-share/ with an explicit deny (Service: AWSRAM; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 66b33d5a-123d-46fa-90f4-6e05d5a298d4; Proxy: null) 1.68718E+12 Granted access to table agg to external account 8282XXXX3582 1.68718E+12 Found resource_share_associations : [] 1.68718E+12 Listing invitations for resourceShareArns: [] 1.68718E+12 Found 0 RAM invitations for resourceShareArn: [] 1.68718E+12 Creating ResourceLink agg in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Glue table not found: {'accountid': '8282XXXX3582', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche', 'tablename': 'agg'} 1.68718E+12 Successfully created ResourceLink agg in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Granted resource link DESCRIBE access to principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ on 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche/agg 1.68718E+12 Failed granting principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ read access to resource link on target 260XXXXX9338://iff_ot_curr_data/agg due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table agg 1.68718E+12 Resource Link {'Name': 'agg', 'TargetTable': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'agg'}} was not created due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table agg 1.68718E+12 Failed to share table agg from source account 260XXXXX9338//us-east-1 with target account 8282XXXX3582/us-east-1due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table agg 1.68718E+12 Triggering share failure alarm... 1.68718E+12 Sending deployment failure notification 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB lbg8scx8 status to Share_Failed 1.68718E+12 Sharing table raw... 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB 85p21sxr status to Share_In_Progress 1.68718E+12 Glue table found: {'accountid': '260XXXXX9338', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'tablename': 'raw'} 1.68718E+12 Revoking IAMAllowedGroups Super permission for table iff_ot_curr_data|raw 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoking [{'Id': '4e4e0d95-c80c-49ba-8f5a-dcfd2b835211', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'raw', 'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}] 1.68718E+12 Batch Revoke response: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'b48bed27-ba4c-45ce-9416-d50e4cb91c28', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:59 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '576', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': 'b48bed27-ba4c-45ce-9416-d50e4cb91c28', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'Failures': [{'RequestEntry': {'Id': '4e4e0d95-c80c-49ba-8f5a-dcfd2b835211', 'Principal': {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'EVERYONE'}, 'Resource': {'Table': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'raw'}}, 'Permissions': ['ALL'], 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': []}, 'Error': {'ErrorCode': 'InvalidInputException', 'ErrorMessage': 'No permissions revoked. Grantee does not does not have:[ALL]'}}]} 1.68718E+12 Could not grant principal 8282XXXX3582 permissions ['DESCRIBE', 'SELECT'] to table iff_ot_curr_data.raw due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: User: arn:aws:sts::260XXXXX9338:assumed-role/dataallPivotRole/dataallPivotRole is not authorized to perform: ram:CreateResourceShare on resource: arn:aws:ram:us-east-1:260XXXXX9338:resource-share/ with an explicit deny (Service: AWSRAM; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: d0757438-d6ac-46ff-b3cd-e3a48738a8fa; Proxy: null) 1.68718E+12 Granted access to table raw to external account 8282XXXX3582 1.68718E+12 Found resource_share_associations : [] 1.68718E+12 Listing invitations for resourceShareArns: [] 1.68718E+12 Found 0 RAM invitations for resourceShareArn: [] 1.68718E+12 Creating ResourceLink raw in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Glue table not found: {'accountid': '8282XXXX3582', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'database': 'iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche', 'tablename': 'raw'} 1.68718E+12 Successfully created ResourceLink raw in database 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche 1.68718E+12 Granted resource link DESCRIBE access to principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ on 8282XXXX3582://iff_ot_curr_data_shared_r2oxlche/raw 1.68718E+12 Failed granting principal arn:aws:iam::8282XXXX3582:role/aws-reserved/ read access to resource link on target 260XXXXX9338://iff_ot_curr_data/raw due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table raw 1.68718E+12 Resource Link {'Name': 'raw', 'TargetTable': {'CatalogId': '260XXXXX9338', 'DatabaseName': 'iff_ot_curr_data', 'Name': 'raw'}} was not created due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table raw 1.68718E+12 Failed to share table raw from source account 260XXXXX9338//us-east-1 with target account 8282XXXX3582/us-east-1due to: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GrantPermissions operation: Insufficient Glue permissions to access table raw 1.68718E+12 Triggering share failure alarm... 1.68718E+12 Sending deployment failure notification 1.68718E+12 Updating share item in DB 85p21sxr status to Share_Failed 1.68718E+12 sharing tables succeeded = False 1.68718E+12 Updating share object r2oxlche in DB from Share_In_Progress to state Processed 1.68718E+12 Sharing task finished successfully 1.68718E+12 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.16) or chardet (5.1.0)/charset_normalizer (2.0.12) doesn't match a supported version! 1.68718E+12 warnings.warn("urllib3 ({}) or chardet ({})/charset_normalizer ({}) doesn't match a supported "