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"Real world" examples #39

Closed alexandermendes closed 7 years ago

alexandermendes commented 7 years ago

I've been briefly trying to figure out a scenario where we can demonstrate the collaborative side of things, as part of the fork, branch, PR workflow.

So, to setup for the lesson the instructor creates a repo containing a basic jekyll site, just generated from a template or whatever. The index of this repo will iterate _pages (an empty folder to begin with) and list links to, or pull metadata from, all contained files.

Everyone forks this repo, creates a branch (from gh-pages) and adds a new file to _pages. This file could be named, with some basic yaml metadata at the top and whatever else they want to write (a couple of lines about me? my favourite book? etc.)

Changes are pushed and PRs are submitted.

The instructor pulls them all in (hopefully not too much of a hassle, how large do the classes tend to be anyway?). We shouldn't get any merge conflicts, unless two people have the same name.

We now have a basic "real world" example where everyone can see their contributions in the commit history, along with a website showing whatever it is we choose to show. Perhaps this is getting into complicated territory but it would be nice to find a way to make this workshop style tutorial different from the plethora of git/GitHub tutorials already out there!

alexandermendes commented 7 years ago

I'll close this for now as it would probably be more hassle than it's worth!