data-lessons / librarycarpentry

Materials for Library Carpentry development
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Relationship to Software/Data Carpentry #7

Closed drjwbaker closed 6 years ago

drjwbaker commented 8 years ago

Following on from @tracykteal

To consider:

cc @tracykteal @pitviper6 @weaverbel

pitviper6 commented 8 years ago

+1 for Belinda, and I've got a Skype acct.

tracykteal commented 8 years ago

Also +1 to Belinda, so let's confirm with her before sending out a calendar link.

I can set up a BlueJeans link for the call. It handles multiple people well and no account or login is required. We use them for our SWC/DC Community and discussion calls.

drjwbaker commented 8 years ago

@tracykteal: if you recommend it, great.

cmacdonell commented 8 years ago

bluejeans is quite good. It has nice moderator controls for muting people, etc. For SWC/DC meetings it seems to handle 10+ people without any issues. It's a paid service and fortunately the other carpentries pay the bill ;)

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago

Okay. Sounds like bluejeans is a good option then.

tracykteal commented 7 years ago

Great! I set up a meeting and an etherpad, and included the connection details in the etherpad.


Bluejeans connection: (phone in details in the etherpad)

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago

Great. We'll confirm once @weaverbel is back in action.

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago


We are due to meet 6 October per details at We will hopefully meet for no longer than one hour.

Provisional Agenda

1) Welcome (JAMES)

2) Library Carpentry - state of play October 2016 (ALL) OUTCOME: agree to proceed with this document as our working set of principles or to adapt; agree where this should be hosted; agree who should maintain this (volunteers needed!)

2.5) Learning Outcomes As an off-shoot of 2, we've never really nailed what we consider our soft/overarching learning outcomes to be. Following a chat with @elliewix, to me our soft/overarching learning outcomes look something like sorting out poor data management practices such as: bad file names, not storing things in logical places, not using version control, proprietary data formats, and inability understand data after a project is finished. To which we can add: knowing where to go next to develop skills, having confidence to ask questions and be honest about what you don't know, being able to interact with colleagues who have strong computing proficiency. (ALL) Outcome: collaborative document that can then be worked on and presented back to the community for consideration (I imagine this will look very similar to what SWC/DC already have)

3) Relationship to Software/Data Carpentry (ref (ALL) What do we think of these? How are we minded? OUTCOME: Steer on what we want (so that we can put that to SWC/LC for consideration)

4) Where do we each want Library Carpentry to be in 6, 12, 18 months? (ALL) OUTCOME: list of targets (more likely ones for at 6 months, more speculative ones for at 18 months) that can then be worked on and presented back to the community for consideration.

4) AOB (ALL)

Chair: James @drjwbaker

Scribe: Jez @jezcope


jezcope commented 7 years ago

I'll volunteer to scribe if no-one else really wants to do it!

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago

Thanks @jezcope!

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago

Any comment on the interim principles for instructors document?

chodacki commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the silence, I have been on trips the past couple weeks.

Quick update from me:

  1. Instructor Training. I am a co-organizer for csv,conf (data conference ). We are planning our next event in early May 2017 in Portland, OR. I talked to DC/SWC about doing an instructor training focused on the Librarian community around that time. What do people think? I do have some funding for csv.conf and could possibility offer some travel awards to those in need if they attend both. Right now, we are thinking May 1-2, 2017 for csv,conf so we could do this before or after that.
  2. Modules. I remember us discussing new module development. Is there a list of topics/modules everyone is currently working one? Maybe we can start a thread on that. Seems like a good thing to organize the work being done.
  3. Twitter. I attended the Library Carpentry workshop at UC Berkeley. Thank you Harrison and @jt14den for a great two days! While there I was trying to tweet out about the event and saw we don’t have a twitter presence so I registered the @LibCarpentry handle. Let me know if you want the password. my email is Could be a good way for all of us to promote our work.
  4. DST4L. I happened to be on a call with Chris from DST4L last week. And I noticed James is at event in Copenhagen in December. And Chris mentioned he was just with Belinda in Australia. I remember on our last call, we talked about how DST4L is an interesting group to keep an eye on. @drjwbaker , it would be good hear back about how the Dec event goes and if there is something we can learn. @weaverbel , any plans to incorporate that into your efforts?
  5. PIDapalooza. If anyone is in Iceland next week, let m know. It would be good to meet up. / my email is
jezcope commented 7 years ago

Hey @chodacki! We were actually just puzzling over the mystery of the LibCarpentry twitter account over at so thanks for clearing that up! :smile:

Lots of conversation happening on the gitter channel — that might be your best bet for discovering modules in development. I agree we should have a list of them, issues and pull requests on welcome!

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago


1) sounds great. Route it through SWC to test out the interim LC-flavoured SWC workshop mechanism 2) Python is one. XSLT has been mooted. There is another I have forgotten.. 4) Yeah, I'm looking forward to DS4L and checking in with Chris. We have slightly different agendas, but undoubtedly some crossover.

weaverbel commented 7 years ago

On a totally unrelated thing, I do now think Library Carpentry is a third Carpentry, and should stand alone. SWC and DC are both aimed at helping researchers be more efficient etc whereas LC is about helping a professional group skill up - so it's very different in kind. I did raise this at SWC steering committee and I think people now agree with that view. Then @drjwbaker James said : "The BIG issue with being standalone - IMO - is that a) we are doing a thing and need to protect the good reputation of the 'Carpentry' name, and yet b) medium to long term we don't have the infrastructure (due to a lack of £ and dedicated person time) to do the thing properly to protect the good reputation of the 'Carpentry' name. Hence the decision data-lessons/librarycarpentry#10 to route workshop requests where possible through SWC, at least in the interim - but we can't be interim forever without being a burden on SWC resources and core mission."

So then I said: "I do hear what you say, but I think we are not a burden giving how much self-organising we actually do - a request via SWC for an Australian workshop actually comes to me and the funding thing may be sorted by getting Library professional associations etc to get behind LC. But these are all ongoing issues and we should keep them in mind."

drjwbaker commented 7 years ago

Thanks for parking this here @weaverbel.