data-preservation-programs / singularity

Tool for onboarding data to the Filecoin Network
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Marketing Website Figma review #214

Closed xinaxu closed 10 months ago

distora-w3 commented 10 months ago

I was invited to review under the direction of Ivanka Majic. (I think she collated feedback from multiple groups and stakeholders through a process of interviews to identify what worked and what did not. She is a professional in the user experience arena.) Is there an opportunity to invite her or someone from her team to participate via PL or the foundation?

I will now apply some of the feedback from the project to make them relevant to the Singularity V2 project.

  1. Dark v light website See the moon icon on the website. (You can have both, the user gets to control the setting)

  2. User Journey - starting from the home page (These are the users I can think of, someone like Ivanka could potentially tease out other examples)

We must think carefully about who will access this website and provide them with immediate signposts to the areas of their needs and interest.

Please note: The text below suggests the type of text needed and is not meant to be definitive. A good copywriter will be able to write better text that is more succinct.

2.1 User1: Already familiar with Singularity V1 Title: Already use Singularity? Text: Discover the new features and learn how to migrate to Singularity V2. Link: link to a page for this user. This page should have links to new features, prereqs, migration paths and procedures.

2.2 User 2: New to Singularity & New SP Title: Singularity is a suite of tools for onboarding data, at PiB scale, onto the filecoin network Link: link to a page for this user. This page should be written from an SP perspective e.g. Singularity will help you solve the complexity of onboarding data. Easily set up data sources to pull in data for the data preparation process, such as encryption and car-ring. Singularity will help you store your data through the deal-making process.

2.3 User 3: Returning user (already familiar with the basics) This user needs clear links for immediate access to: Box or device to highlight the following. (It could be in the top bar but not hidden in a collapsing menu, also repeated in the footer and accessible on all pages)

2.4 User 4: New user 0% knowledge Title: Looking to Onboard your data to the web3 Filecoin network? Subtitle: Singularity is the recommended pathway for processing data at PiB scale Link: Discover Singularity and Filecoin Link: Learn how singularity works Link: Understand how you can use these powerful tools Other content areas:

2.5 User 5: Deeper tech user Someone in this category might be a sys admin, dev-ops, developer or some other tech specialist needing to ensure the various deeper technical aspects are covered. E.g. programming language, min server size, type of database, security concerns etc Title: Tech Specs Text: Take a deeper dive into the Singularity fundamentals Link: Page or PDF to deeper tech info

  1. The current home page The information on the current home page is good but needs to be moved or organized according to the user journeys mentioned above.

    • Example 1: the table on the home page, as shown, is only useful for the user looking to migrate from V1 to V2
    • Example 2: the second column of the same table would be very interesting for someone who is ready to take a deeper dive.
  2. General principle: With tech documentation, there is a very real danger that the information presented will be outdated and superseded by release notes, tech bulletins, etc. To counter this issue, every page should have a "last updated" page. In this way, the user can make a judgment call such as "Oh, this page is old, I can take on board the general principles, but I should check the GitHub release page or other. Additionally, the links to these other pages should be easy to find.

Comment: Often, a simpler process for rapid prototyping can be really helpful. (An example is paper, scissors and Post-it notes which can facilitate the process of determining content areas, hierarchies, priorities and items that must be above the fold.)

xinaxu commented 10 months ago


celine3650 commented 10 months ago

The Figma review is done. Content is provided. Design is now locked in and will be handed off to development today.