data-preservation-programs / spade

A Fil-Network Storage-Proposal Management Service
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Tenant Service - Mailbox #44

Open jcace opened 11 months ago

jcace commented 11 months ago

Description: Build out the /mailbox feature for Spade Tenants. They will need some routes to check their mail messages, as well as acknowledge/delete messages.

Below is a foundation to build off in the tenant api.

type MailboxMessage struct {
    Notifications []interface{} `json:"notifications"`

// handleGetMailbox godoc
//  @Summary        Gets mailbox messages for the tenant
//  @Param        token header string true "Auth token"
//  @Produce        json
//  @Success        200 {object}    ResponseEnvelope{Response=MailboxMessage}
//  @Router         /mailbox [get]
func (s *apiV1) handleGetMailbox(c echo.Context) error {
    return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{
        "status": "ok",

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