data-preservation-programs / spade

A Fil-Network Storage-Proposal Management Service
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Tenant Services - TenantSPState Improvements #60

Closed jcace closed 5 months ago

jcace commented 7 months ago

Description: Two changes

  1. New SP state

    • Add a new state to the TenantSpState enum, disabled
    • This state will be set when a SP that was previously eligible/active/pending becomes ineligible, due to no longer passing the filtering criteria (ex, sp moves country or gets added to a blocklist by the tenant)
    • This also effects the Filtering job - whenever a previously-eligible SP becomes ineligible, instead of deleting it change the state to disabled
  2. New field TenantSpStateInfo , a string field that captures the "reason for the most recent state transition". For example why has the SP become disabled

    • For example, "retrieval testing noncompliance"
    • Whenever the tenant suspends an SP, make this field mandatory as the reason for suspension
    • Autosuspension (for retrieval noncompliance) should put a default message in there
    • SPs entering the new disabled state should also have a reason attached too, entered by the filtering job

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