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Fix meta data population #288

Open kylepolich opened 6 years ago

kylepolich commented 6 years ago

On this page:

The metadata is broken because description contains a quote:

<meta name="description" content="We break format from our regular programming today and bring you an excerpt from Max Tegmark's book Life 3.0.  The first chapter is a short story titled "The Tale of the Omega Team".  Audio excerpted courtesy of Penguin Random House Audio from LIFE 3.0 by Max Tegmark, narrated by Rob Shapiro.  You can find "Life 3.0" at your favorite bookstore and the audio edition via">

Please either escape the quote (if that's allowed by the format) or delete the quotes from all descriptions.

hlib-lozhkovyi commented 6 years ago

I tried to move fix to the current dev. And it's technically imposibble now.

Meta data computed on the server side from the redux state. Server have empty state w/o any data during request.

Almost this

  latest_episode: {},
  recent_blogs: [],
  loaded_prettyname: '',
  pending_blogs: [],
  blog_state: '',
  blog_content: {} }```