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Updates to Podcast page #723

Closed kylepolich closed 5 years ago

kylepolich commented 6 years ago

Current page:

This page exists to list the podcasts we have available. All the data should come from the API. The page should call this API endpoint to get data:

All pages at /api/* should be handled by the server side application. Most of these handlers are simple wrappers for our "real" API which is hosted elsewhere. This part seems to be working pretty well.

Previously, we had a component YearNav.js or YearSelector.js. Because of instability in the code, I had to disable these. Now that I have stabilized the codebase, I would like this feature to be restored. Please investigate this component. Place it back on the /podcast page.

When the user selects a different year, you should refresh the content. This API does not appear to be working: . Notice that the results returned are for year 2018. Wrong year. Please check the server side api functionality. Is the error in this codebase? Or is the error in the remote API? If it is in this codebase, I want you to fix. If you find that the error is in the external API, then tell me so I can fix it.

The goal of this project is to make the Year Navigation return to the Podcast page. As you investigate it, please review the state loading. When this page loads, it has several different modes of loading screen. Why is this? It should be one load state directly into the loaded information. Can you make some recommendations for fixing this very messy state management? We need to simplify it.