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Replace URL box with drag and drop upload #746

Open kylepolich opened 5 years ago

kylepolich commented 5 years ago

Right now for adding Related Content, we have an input box where the user must give the URL:

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 9 15 30 am

Instead, this should be a drag and drop upload.

The destination will be:

bucketname (get from the config): S3Key: guests/YYYY/firstname-lastname.***

Double check that the user is uploading a filename in all lower case and [a-z]*-[a-z]*.[a-z]^3. Only accept nicely formatted files. Check for this BEFORE starting the upload.

Do this only for when the Drop Down menu selects the "Person" option.

Also, for the "Person" option only, make the "Bio" input into a textarea which has a larger initial size defined in CSS.