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Remove Mailchimp #755

Open kylepolich opened 4 years ago

kylepolich commented 4 years ago

Mailchimp is too expensive and we are going to get rid of it. Please make minimal code changes which call our own API instead of mailchimp. We have user/add in the API. Call this and add new parameter. Currently, you must send email and password. Also include src='email_signup'.

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Heartless49 commented 4 years ago

@kylepolich Continuing from our conversation yesterday about a notification for the user when subscribing, we have two options currently; either a toast notification, or a small text notification.

Both of these are about ready, just need to decide on which one. Here are screenshots of both to help with making a decision.

Toast Notification: Toast Notification

Text Notification: Text Notification

Heartless49 commented 4 years ago

Oh, and the "blank password" concept seems to be working fine at the moment - I'm getting proper responses from the API (used my personal email to sign up and got a 200, "new user signed up" response, whereas when trying again, or with my dataskeptic email, it responds with a 200, "user already signed up" response.

kylepolich commented 4 years ago

@Heartless49 sounds good, please make a PR