data2health / CTS-Personas

Translational workforce roles and persona profiles
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Create evaluation measures #3

Closed saragon02 closed 4 years ago

saragon02 commented 5 years ago

Release Personas one-pagers and documentation to the CD2H community and evaluate effectiveness through survey instruments.

mellybelly commented 5 years ago

@saragon02 can you add some descriptions to this one? I know you probably have a library of things here ;-).

One thing I might suggest is that we consider, similar to requirements, that evaluation measures also include thematic areas of data, software, people, edu.

saragon02 commented 5 years ago

Survey questions on 5-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree; 5= strongly agree). Running list of questions:

  1. The CTS persona profiles are clear and representative for several roles supporting clinical and translational science.
  2. The CTS persona profiles are useful for the development of use cases
  3. The CTS persona profiles are useful for the development of communications materials
  4. The CTS persona profiles are useful for the development of training and educational materials
  5. The CTS persona profiles are useful for the development of software
  6. The CTS persona profiles are useful for the development of data management and storage solutions
saragon02 commented 4 years ago

Personas evaluation completed: