data2health / contributorship

Contributorship section for the authorship paper
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contribution attributs #8

Open jcolomb opened 4 years ago

jcolomb commented 4 years ago

Adding contributors who are not authors:

  1. categories of contribution beside authors

There is no list or reserved vocabulary for this (yet), jats just gives some examples:

  1. yaml implementation
-  name: Nicole Vasilevsky
    is_author: yes
    is_corresponding_author: no


-  name: Nicole Vasilevsky
    contributor-type: author, translator, research-assistant, editor, ...
    is_corresponding_author: no
  1. manubot output

in the xml: using contrib-type attibute like jats4r recommendation, or using a entry (easier to implement, may make more sense)

(previously posted in #5 )

jcolomb commented 4 years ago

any way to add contributors who are not authors something like Do you want the translators to show up on the manuscript, like we did for translators at

For now we could just create another field in the YAML for contributors below authors if we have this situation. Then I can deal with making it show up in the manuscript later.

Originally posted by @dhimmel in #5 (comment)

dhimmel commented 4 years ago

For this manuscript, do we have contributors who are not authors? The easiest solution is often just to write an acknowledgements section like this example. I see the appeal of putting non-contributing authors into metadata.yaml for the best structured metadata, although I'd say we should hold off spending a lot of time on this until we actually need it.

To not hold things up, I'd do the following for now if we have non-contributing authors:

  - name: Nicole Vasilevsky
    orcid: 0000-0001-5208-3432
  - name: Barbara Kern
    orcid: 0000-0002-1184-911X
  - name: Some contributor
translators:  # Not relevant for this manuscript
  - name: Some translator

I don't think this is the best long term solution, but should be sufficient for this manuscript. I am interested in better longterm solutions that we could implement as part of