I'm experiencing intermittent issues with the hemi-party.x tool when running a two-party computation task. Here's the algorithm from the demo.mpc file:
n_threads = 8
value_type = sfix
sfix.set_precision(16, 47)
source0_record_count = 5
source0_column_count = 1
source0_record = Matrix(source0_record_count, source0_column_count, value_type)
source1_record_count = 5
source1_column_count = 1
source1_record = Matrix(source1_record_count, source1_column_count, value_type)
result_record = 5
results = Matrix(result_record, 1, value_type)
def read_data_collection(data_collection, party_id):
if data_collection.sizes[0] > 0:
def calculate_result_0():
@for_range_opt_multithread(n_threads, result_record)
def _(i):
results[i][0] = 2*source0_record[i][0]*source1_record[i][0]
def print_results():
result_fields = ['result0']
def _(i):
result_values = [results[i][0].reveal()]
def set_display_field_names(name_list):
for name in name_list:
if " " in name:
raise TypeError(
'Space cannot be in title list, found type error', name)
println("result_fields = %s", ' '.join(name_list))
def display_data(field_values):
printfmt("result_values =")
for value in field_values:
printfmt(" %s", value)
def do_main():
read_data_collection(source0_record, SOURCE0)
read_data_collection(source1_record, SOURCE1)
The datasets are as follows:
Dataset for Input-P0-0:
Default bit length: 128
Default security parameter: 40
Compiling file Programs/Source/demo.mpc
WARNING: Order of memory instructions not preserved, errors possible
Writing to Programs/Bytecode/demo-multithread1-1.bc
Writing to Programs/Schedules/demo.sch
Writing to Programs/Bytecode/demo-0.bc
Hash: 3660d1e58f65a134475fd06465b646c490689185f5a254e3281427f22e646ce9
Program requires at most:
5 integer inputs from player 0
5 integer inputs from player 1
10 integer opens
5 integer triples
515 integer bits
12 virtual machine rounds
Using security parameter 40
result_fields = result0
result_values = 20
result_values = 80
result_values = 180
result_values = 320
result_values = 500
However, when running multiple times, I occasionally encounter a floating point exception error and fail to obtain the correct results. The error message is as follows:
Default bit length: 128
Default security parameter: 40
Compiling file Programs/Source/9899936497281030-SQL.mpc
WARNING: Order of memory instructions not preserved, errors possible
Writing to Programs/Bytecode/9899936497281030-SQL-multithread1-1.bc
Writing to Programs/Schedules/9899936497281030-SQL.sch
Writing to Programs/Bytecode/9899936497281030-SQL-0.bc
Hash: 3660d1e58f65a134475fd06465b646c490689185f5a254e3281427f22e646ce9
Program requires at most:
5 integer inputs from player 0
5 integer inputs from player 1
10 integer opens
5 integer triples
515 integer bits
12 virtual machine rounds
Using security parameter 40
[1] 14603 floating point exception /root/sit/code/MP-SPDZ-SGD/hemi-party.x 1 9899936497281030-SQL -h
I'm experiencing intermittent issues with the hemi-party.x tool when running a two-party computation task. Here's the algorithm from the demo.mpc file:
The datasets are as follows: Dataset for Input-P0-0:
Dataset for Input-P1-0:
The commands for running and compiling are:
The correct output should look like this:
However, when running multiple times, I occasionally encounter a floating point exception error and fail to obtain the correct results. The error message is as follows:
The code commit I am using is:
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?