dataarts / dat.guiVR

A flexible graphical user interface for changing variables within WebVR.
Apache License 2.0
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Native A-Frame support #71

Closed mflux closed 7 years ago

mflux commented 7 years ago

We could support A-Frame for even more users, especially users who are just dabbling in 3D/VR without much JS knowledge. How it could work:

<a-entity id="myLight" light="color: #AFA; intensity: 1.5" position="-1 1 0"></a-entity>

<a-datgui name="light settings" target="#myLight">
    <a-gui-dropdown property="light.color">
        <option value="#ff0000">Red</option>
        <option value="#0000ff">Blue</option>
    <a-gui-checkbox property="light.castShadow"></a-gui-checkbox>
    <a-gui-slider property="light.intensity"></a-gui-slider>

<a-datgui> defines a dat gui vr primitive. Name attribute sets the name of the dat gui group. Target sets the element id for the object being manipulated.

The children of this element are controllers. The type probably has to be explicit:

<a-gui-slider> creates a slider. "Property" attributes set what the controller modifies, in this case "light.intensity" refer to myLight's light component, intensity property.

mflux commented 7 years ago

Users can always escape hatch it via

    const guiElement = document.querySelector('#datgui');
    const gui = guiElement.gui;

    gui.add( ... );
customlogic commented 7 years ago

Didn't you get this working for the Perfume demo?

donmccurdy commented 7 years ago

Is there a branch or repo for this / is an A-Frame wrapper still being worked on?

mflux commented 7 years ago

We decided to have separately maintain the DatGUIVR AFrame component. You can now find it here:

Don't have a runnable example yet. Let me know if you build one!