databio / LOLAweb

An interactive Shiny web application for genomic interval enrichment analysis using LOLA.
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API #94

Open afrendeiro opened 6 years ago

afrendeiro commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this, looks great!

Don't know if you guys want to go that way but I think it would be terrific it LOLAweb would allow programmatic access through something like a REST API.

nsheff commented 6 years ago

Well... sort of. We should talk, this is a complicated issue. I have some thoughts.

afrendeiro commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I know it is not simple and could even potentially put a lot of stress on your end. But tools like Enrichr really implemented it well ( and have become super popular in part because of that.

In the case of LOLA, LOLAweb does allow people to do away without getting all the LOLA region sets, but an API would invite users who use it mostly in batch mode. An advantage that would bring would be that running LOLA would become more language agnostic and help with distribution of code that runs LOLA by making it platform independent too. If the server end would be exposed through an API, I would be glad to contribute a Python user interface to it.