Levis-Air:~ lw391$ bulker activate waldronlab/levi
Bulker config: /Users/lw391/bulker_config.yaml
Activating bulker crate: waldronlab/levi
bulker-3.2$ cd git/hub.bulker.io/
bulker-3.2$ git pull
No user exists for uid 501
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
bulker-3.2$ _git
Starting interactive docker shell for image 'samueldebruyn/debian-git' and command 'git'
I have no name!@docker-desktop:/Users/lw391/git/hub.bulker.io$ ls .git
COMMIT_EDITMSG FETCH_HEAD HEAD ORIG_HEAD config description hooks index info logs objects packed-refs refs
I have no name!@docker-desktop:/Users/lw391/git/hub.bulker.io$ whoami
whoami: cannot find name for user ID 501
I have no name!@docker-desktop:/Users/lw391/git/hub.bulker.io$
I have a different problem now:
Here is my bulker_config.yaml:
Originally posted by @lwaldron in https://github.com/databio/bulker/issues/28#issuecomment-544713067