databricks-demos / dbdemos

Demos to implement your Databricks Lakehouse
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dbdemos.install('dlt-loans') - Failed to create DLT Pipeline #109

Closed 0xbadidea closed 4 months ago

0xbadidea commented 4 months ago

Executing dbdemos.install('dlt-loans') creates a folder with the required notebooks as well as a new cluster, however no Delta Live Table pipeline is created. Is this because I'm on the Standard Databricks Subscription? DLT appears to be available on the Standard Subscription now.

PS: No error was generated during the execution of the command.

0xbadidea commented 4 months ago

Apologies, while the DLT tab is enabled in the menu, the feature is not enabled for the workspace. I believe this is because DLT is still a premium feature. sigh!

0xbadidea commented 4 months ago

Apologies, while the DLT tab is enabled in the menu, the feature is not enabled for the workspace. I believe this is because DLT is still a premium feature. sigh!