DBdemos can not be installed without errors in a workspace that is bind to a metastore non default location. I was using a shared cluster to install the demos. I tried to specify the catalog and schema while installing the loans catalog but was not successful
Code I used to install dbdemos:
import dbdemos
AnalysisException: [RequestId=01de9b64-0ba9-4a38-8d4c-c01a0a32ca53 ErrorClass=INVALID_STATE] Metastore storage root URL does not exist. Please provide a storage location for the catalog (for example 'CREATE CATALOG myCatalog MANAGED LOCATION ''). Alternatively set up a metastore root storage location to provide a storage location for all catalogs in the metastore.
hey @joelr4mire5 , I believe this is an error with your metastore directly and not with dbdemos. Are you able to use your metastore properly outside of dbdemos?
DBdemos can not be installed without errors in a workspace that is bind to a metastore non default location. I was using a shared cluster to install the demos. I tried to specify the catalog and schema while installing the loans catalog but was not successful
Code I used to install dbdemos: import dbdemos dbdemos.install('dlt-loans',catalog='dbdemocatalog',schema='dbdemoschema',overwrite=True) Error: AnalysisException: [RequestId=01de9b64-0ba9-4a38-8d4c-c01a0a32ca53 ErrorClass=INVALID_STATE] Metastore storage root URL does not exist. Please provide a storage location for the catalog (for example 'CREATE CATALOG myCatalog MANAGED LOCATION ''). Alternatively set up a metastore root storage location to provide a storage location for all catalogs in the metastore.