databricks-demos / dbdemos

Demos to implement your Databricks Lakehouse
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I had to run the installation manually. How do I manually run dasboard installation after notesbook runs? #52

Closed chmpsymp closed 11 months ago

chmpsymp commented 11 months ago


I was unable to run the dbdemo installation "dbdemos.install('uc-04-system-tables')", so I created tables and ran notebooks manually. Now I want to create the dasboards, though I can't seem to find any code that I can run for this. Can you direct me to code I can run to generate dasboards?


QuentinAmbard commented 11 months ago

hey, why were you unable to install it ? Can you share your error?

chmpsymp commented 11 months ago

The error happens in the generation of system tables "RequestId= ErrorClass=INVALID_STATE.UC_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_FAILURE] Failed to access cloud storage: AbfsRestOperationException exceptionTraceId="

But I managed to create the table manually.

QuentinAmbard commented 11 months ago

did you try to install it in an existing catalog/Schema with the new option?

chmpsymp commented 11 months ago

When I try to run the installation, the script with the sql code never finishes:

"--param query - the import needs the query to be run first even empty. CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS main.billing_forecast; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main.billing_forecast.billing_forecast (sku STRING, workspace_id STRING); INSERT INTO main.billing_forecast.billing_forecast (sku, workspace_id) SELECT 'ALL', 'ALL' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM main.billing_forecast.billing_forecast);

select distinct(workspace_id) from main.billing_forecast.billing_forecast order by workspace_id DESC LIMIT 1000;"

Is it possible that I can run the dashboard generation manually?

QuentinAmbard commented 11 months ago

is it because the endpoint can't start? There is no reason the query runs forever. What if you run the query manually what happens? You can always copy/paste the other query but you'll have to redo everything yourself it'll be slow. Do you have the dashboard import/export API preview enabled by any chance?

chmpsymp commented 11 months ago

Apparently there has been troubles with databricks sql yesterday and today. Now I managed to run the installation script after generating schemas manually. Thank you for your help :)

chmpsymp commented 11 months ago
