databricks-demos / dbdemos

Demos to implement your Databricks Lakehouse
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"DBSQL isn't available in this workspace" and "API Call Error" even though the user has permission to create SQL DW #85

Open Jaipats opened 7 months ago

Jaipats commented 7 months ago

Issue 1: User is getting a warning "DBSQL isn't available in this workspace. Only Premium/Enterprise workspaces are supported", even though the workspaces is in Enterprise tier and the user has access to create SQL DW. Issue 2: API Call Error. Please see attached screenshot. image-3

QuentinAmbard commented 6 months ago

Hi @Jaipats , I believe we fixed this issue in the latest version, sorry it's been a busy month, could you let us know if it's still the case? It should show a nice warning

Jaipats commented 6 months ago

Hi @QuentinAmbard , yes the message appears and the customer had an issue with their network which was throwing other errors. It is not fixed. Thanks for your help!