databricks-industry-solutions / security-analysis-tool

Security Analysis Tool (SAT) analyzes customer's Databricks account and workspace security configurations and provides recommendations that help them follow Databrick's security best practices. When a customer runs SAT, it will compare their workspace configurations against a set of security best practices and delivers a report.
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PAT Token Expire date check #93

Closed rajj281 closed 3 months ago

rajj281 commented 3 months ago

We are using the SAT tool; however, we are getting some false positive results and were wondering if we can get some help. For example PAT token check, we checked our environment, and all PAT tokens have expiration date however the tool flags that there are PAT tokens that don't have expiration date still

Thanks in advance for any support

arunpamulapati commented 3 months ago

Hi, Can you please send me the check id that you are referring to? Also can you use the additional details section to see if it has any details?

rajj281 commented 3 months ago

Hi Arun

The check ID is 21. If I understand correctly, the code is looking for any PAT token with expire time of -1. If correct, I checked all the tokens in our environment, and they all have expiration dates.

There are other checks we are facing issues with. Is it possible to connect directly to go over it? Would appreciate it


arunpamulapati commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting. The root cause is due to the evaluation_value is set to -1. When we made it configurable we should have put a default to 90 and allowed customers to adjust it but we left it at -1. I changed the

You can run the following command in your SQL Editor on your respective catalog and rerun the driver

update security_analysis.security_best_practices set evaluation_value = 90 where id ='21' I made a fix to the config file in the branch and will be merged soon. or you can make a pull the latest, remove security_best_practices_user.csv , rerun the security_analysis_initializer and security_analysis_driver