Flake8 is ancient, and Ruff can replace black and flake8, plus has future linter expansion opportunities. For this PR, there are a few files that are modified by running Ruff format, but I'm keeping significant format cleanup to a separate PR. Getting rid of pre-commit until I've finished redoing the linting to run everything through Ruff.
[x] I have run this code in development and it appears to resolve the stated issue
[x] This PR includes tests, or tests are not required/relevant for this PR
[x] I have updated the CHANGELOG.md and added information about my change to the "dbt-databricks next" section.
Flake8 is ancient, and Ruff can replace black and flake8, plus has future linter expansion opportunities. For this PR, there are a few files that are modified by running Ruff format, but I'm keeping significant format cleanup to a separate PR. Getting rid of pre-commit until I've finished redoing the linting to run everything through Ruff.
and added information about my change to the "dbt-databricks next" section.