databricks / koalas

Koalas: pandas API on Apache Spark
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pivot_table performance is extremely slow compared to Pandas #2179

Open danielknight opened 2 years ago

danielknight commented 2 years ago


I am noticing that the koalas DataFrame.pivot_table is performing much slower than the pandas version. The pandas pivot_table works almost instantaneously, whereas the fastest I can get the koalas pivot_table to run on my local machine, is roughly 8 and a half minutes.

Problem Background

I am trying to create a pivot table from some data that looks roughly like:

The data has shape (5800, 3) roughly, and looks like the following: destination_vm port num_sources
0 vm1 80 .0234
1 vm2 88 .123
3 vm3 3100 .0045
The desired result is something like the following, but with a much larger shape (2058, 1146): port 80 88 3100
vm1 .0234 0 0
vm2 0 0.123 0
vm3 0 0 .0045

Running a pivot to transform the data into a sparse matrix like the above, I run the following:

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("my_job").config( "spark.driver.memory", "8g").config( "spark.executor.memory", "6g").config( "spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true").getOrCreate()

ks.set_option('compute.default_index_type', 'distributed-sequence')"Creating pivot table")

df_listening_vms_by_port = df_listening_for_distribution.pivot_table( values=["num_sources"], index=['destination_vm'], columns='port', aggfunc={'num_sources': 'sum'}, fill_value=0 )"Done creating pivot table")

Output 2021-07-23 16:56:57,914 - feature_engineering - INFO - Creating pivot table 2021-07-23 17:05:28,163 - feature_engineering - INFO - Done creating pivot table

The ~8m30s gap seems like a very long time to pivot a DF that is not too large. The output shape is (2058, 1146), so the size has gotten much bigger. However, Pandas does a similar pivot almost instantaneously.

Things I've tried

I have made sure to use the distributed-sequence default index, but this doesn't seem to improve the performance. In local mode, I have tried doing a local_checkpoint on the input DF to try and clear out overhead from previous processing steps. I have tried running this in cluster mode with 8 executors with 4GB ram each, but it doesn't speed up much, which makes me think there is some Window bottleneck or something.

I've also tried exporting the input DF as a csv, reading it into a koalas DF in a local pyspark shell, and then watching the Job via the spark UI. The pivot job finishes quickly, but the actual process doesn't return in the pyspark shell for a long time, and there is a long gap in between where it appears like nothing is happening. Screenshot from 2021-07-23 18-22-54

Here is more detail on the DAG when running the pivot in a local pyspark shell: Screenshot from 2021-07-23 18-33-44

Is there something obvious I am missing here to help speed this up?

danielknight commented 2 years ago

Am I doing something obvious that would cause the behavior I am seeing where there is a long gap between the pivot Job and the later toPandas job? (See the first smaller screenshot). Is there some way I can gain visibility into what is happening in the interim?

If I set the sparkContext loglevel to DEBUG, there appears to be nothing happening for long periods of time.

I am noticing this pattern across my application, not just with the pivot_table operation. Can you help me understand what triggers a toPandas job and why there might be long gaps where no jobs are even scheduled, then the toPandas jobs will come suddenly. This happens even when running on a cluster, with 4 executors, 8 cores each, and using the default number of partitions, 200. My data size is not very large.

Consider the following snippet:'Concatenating kdf1 and kdf2 frames') ks.set_option('compute.ops_on_diff_frames', True) df_all_port_features = ks.concat([kdf1, kdf2], sort=False, axis=1) ks.reset_option('compute.ops_on_diff_frames')'Filling na') df_all_port_features.fillna(0, inplace=True)'foo')

The time between the "Concatenating..." message and the "Filling na" message is ~10 minutes, with nothing happening in the interim in the Spark UI. Here are the relevant dependencies of the container running the application; maybe I have something misconfigured.:

pip3 install kafka-python requests==2.25.1 kubernetes pyOpenSSL protobuf sklearn==0.0 scikit-learn==0.24.2 scipy==1.5.4 numpy==1.19.5 pandas==1.1.5 xgboost==1.4.2 pyarrow==4.0.0 pyspark==3.0.1 koalas==1.8.0

danielknight commented 2 years ago

cc @xinrong-databricks and @itholic; maybe you guys need more information from me?

I have also tried with spark 2.4, and get the same results.

itholic commented 2 years ago

Hi, @danielknight . Sorry for the late.

I just tried to reproduce the issue, and I ran the code below:

from databricks import koalas as ks
import random
num_data = 5800

df_listening_for_distribution = ks.DataFrame(
        "destination_vm": [f"vm{random.randrange(1, 2058)}" for _ in range(num_data)],
        "port": [
            random.randrange(10000, 11146)
            for _ in range(num_data)
        "num_sources": [random.random() for _ in range(num_data)],

result_df = df_listening_for_distribution.pivot_table(
    aggfunc={"num_sources": "sum"},
)  # took 1.85 minutes

result_df.shape  # (1931, 1138)

And it took just around 2 mins for computing the pivot_table (It's seems like still not fast, though)

Seems like the shape of table is same as your example - (5800, 3) - , and the shape of the result table - (1931, 1138) - looks similar to your example case.

I used 8 executors with 8GB ram, though.

Could you take a look into my code if did I reproduce your case correctly ??

danielknight commented 2 years ago

I agree that your code is similar to this pivot I am doing. In a local pyspark shell, running your code exactly in local mode returns after ~10 minutes.

On my cluster, the most recent run with 8 executors (4G memory each) ran against a KDF with shape (28618, 3) and took around 3m17s, which I can infer from these log messages:

2021-07-29 22:17:17,237 - feature_engineering - INFO - Creating pivot table
2021-07-29 22:20:34,545 - feature_engineering - INFO - Done creating pivot table

Obviously (28618, 3) is a larger data-size than the (5800,3) the pivots we both tried, so it is at least a good sign that it only costs an additional minute and a half, even with less RAM per executor. So maybe I am getting the best performance possible for the time being out of the pivot_table?

I am encountering some additional issues later in this same feature engineering code though. As I build the KDF's from the pivot_table operations, I then need to concatenate them along axis=1, and this operation takes another 13.8 minutes. Later I do a fillna.'Concatenating TCP and UDP frames')
ks.set_option('compute.ops_on_diff_frames', True)
df_all_port_features = ks.concat([TCP_one_hot, UDP_one_hot], sort=False, axis=1)
# this takes 13.8 minutes
# some other stuff happens that potentially creates NA values, but the data shape doesn't change.'Filling na')
df_all_port_features.fillna(0, inplace=True)
# this takes another 11.3 minutes

For the concat, I am probably experiencing the cost of doing a large join. Any way around this? I will try a merge when I have availability to test that and post my findings

For the fillna I am probably experiencing the cost of moving the big concatenated DF into a single parition, as suggested by the warning in the docs here, This leads to move all data into single partition in single machine and could cause serious performance degradation. Avoid this method against very large dataset.

In general, maybe I am running up against the performance constraints of koalas? I am not using this in a notebooked environment, but rather trying to make a POC of a production service. It will run a k8s-based pyspark job which will run on a certain schedule, thus it is important to us that it is both reliable and performant, as to not hog resources from the cluster. Maybe I will encounter the same overhead in raw pyspark, and our use-case will require more resources regardless of using koalas or raw pyspark.