databricks / sbt-spark-package

Sbt plugin for Spark packages
Apache License 2.0
151 stars 32 forks source link

build.sbt:17: error: not found: value spName #8

Closed d1eg0 closed 9 years ago

d1eg0 commented 9 years ago

When I call sbt compile just after clone the repo I get the following error:

    [info] Loading project definition from /opt/pyspark-cassandra/project
    [info] Updating {file:/opt/pyspark-cassandra/project/}pyspark-cassandra-build...
    [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
    [info] Done updating.
    /opt/pyspark-cassandra/build.sbt:17: error: not found: value spName
    spName := "TargetHolding/pyspark-cassandra"
    [error] Type error in expression

I don't know what is wrong, the plugin dependency has been included properly.