we tried building using ./mill -i show sjsonnet[2.13.4].jvm.assembly and picking up out/sjsonnet/2.13.4/jvm/assembly.dest/out.jar , but the jar is not runnable on commandline like the release jar. it also doesnt run with java -Xss100m -cp sjsonnet.jar sjsonnet.SjsonnetMain foo.jsonnet (Both Databricks and our own don't work with this)
we also tried ./mill show sjsonnet[2.13.4].assembly, but we ran into errors (Cannot resolve sjsonnet[2.13.4].assembly. Trymill resolve sjsonnet[2.13.4]._to see what's available.).
could you please help out by specifying the exact commandline you use to build the final release jar ? we are using github actions to build and will be using this inside maven pom.xml
hi, we are trying to get a build with this pull request - https://github.com/databricks/sjsonnet/pull/166
we tried building using
./mill -i show sjsonnet[2.13.4].jvm.assembly
and picking upout/sjsonnet/2.13.4/jvm/assembly.dest/out.jar
, but the jar is not runnable on commandline like the release jar. it also doesnt run withjava -Xss100m -cp sjsonnet.jar sjsonnet.SjsonnetMain foo.jsonnet
(Both Databricks and our own don't work with this)we also tried
./mill show sjsonnet[2.13.4].assembly
, but we ran into errors (Cannot resolve sjsonnet[2.13.4].assembly. Try
mill resolve sjsonnet[2.13.4]._to see what's available.
).could you please help out by specifying the exact commandline you use to build the final release jar ? we are using github actions to build and will be using this inside maven pom.xml