I can extract an avro schema using SchemaConverters.convertStructToAvro. It would be nice if I can take a dataframe and get an avro indexedrecord or genericrecord using that generated avro schema. The feature to create containered-avro objects will be very useful. Today, there is code that needs to be written. Adding to this package will make it very easy! Thanks.
A method that implements something like this:
val df = spark.read.parquet(from_a_location)
val ds = df.toJSON
//These two next lines get around the lack of support of Date and Timestamp in Avro
val jsonDF = spark.read.json(ds) // schema after going through all records
val jsonSchema = jsonDF.schema // make it json
val rdd = ds.rdd
rdd.foreach(rec => {
val json = rec.getBytes
// Get the StructType Schema using the json schema with StringType for everything
val avroSchema = SchemaConverters.convertStructToAvro(jsonSchema, SchemaBuilder.record("client").namespace("com.cigna.bigdata"), "com.cigna.bigdata")
val converter = new JsonAvroConverter()
//Get the Avro Generic Record - This blows up if any one record has a missing field. Will need to fix that too.
val record = converter.convertToGenericDataRecord(json, avroSchema)
I can extract an avro schema using SchemaConverters.convertStructToAvro. It would be nice if I can take a dataframe and get an avro indexedrecord or genericrecord using that generated avro schema. The feature to create containered-avro objects will be very useful. Today, there is code that needs to be written. Adding to this package will make it very easy! Thanks. A method that implements something like this: