It would be nice to display a human-readable timestamp in the header of the comment popovers. I tried doing this but ran into some problems with the library that we use for formatting times: to avoid a "flickering" effect where users can observe the raw timestamp being reformatted, we ideally should call the time library after creating the popover DOM elements but before displaying them to the user. I couldn't find an easy hook to do this.
It would be nice to display a human-readable timestamp in the header of the comment popovers. I tried doing this but ran into some problems with the library that we use for formatting times: to avoid a "flickering" effect where users can observe the raw timestamp being reformatted, we ideally should call the time library after creating the popover DOM elements but before displaying them to the user. I couldn't find an easy hook to do this.
(This feature is Shivaram's suggestion).