Open foivosana opened 5 years ago
UPDATE I tried a lot of things with casting etc, my problem still persists and interestingly enough i got a more informative stacktrace at some point
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while encoding: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.Timestamp is not a valid external type for schema of string
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 0, formid), StringType), true) AS column1#2498
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 1, formtitle), StringType), true) AS column2#2499
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 2, responserate), FloatType) AS column3#2500
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 14, languageid), IntegerType) AS column4#2512
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 16, answer), IntegerType) AS column5#2514
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 18, userid), IntegerType) AS column6#2516
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 19, inviteid), StringType), true) AS column7#2517
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 20, daterequested), StringType), true) AS column8#2518
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 21, dateanswered), StringType), true) AS column9#2519
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 30, customproperty9), StringType), true) AS customproperty9#2528
if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 31, customproperty10), StringType), true) AS customproperty10#2529
staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(getexternalrowfield(assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]), 32, updated), StringType), true) AS updated#2530
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder.toRow(ExpressionEncoder.scala:290)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$$anonfun$3.apply(SparkSession.scala:582)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$$anonfun$3.apply(SparkSession.scala:582)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileFormatWriter$SingleDirectoryWriteTask.execute(FileFormatWriter.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileFormatWriter$$anonfun$org$apache$spark$sql$execution$datasources$FileFormatWriter$$executeTask$3.apply(FileFormatWriter.scala:256)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileFormatWriter$$anonfun$org$apache$spark$sql$execution$datasources$FileFormatWriter$$executeTask$3.apply(FileFormatWriter.scala:254)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks(Utils.scala:1371)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileFormatWriter$.org$apache$spark$sql$execution$datasources$FileFormatWriter$$executeTask(FileFormatWriter.scala:259)
... 8 more
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.Timestamp is not a valid external type for schema of string
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GeneratedClass$SpecificUnsafeProjection.evalIfFalseExpr20$(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GeneratedClass$SpecificUnsafeProjection.apply_8$(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GeneratedClass$SpecificUnsafeProjection.apply(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder.toRow(ExpressionEncoder.scala:287)
It looks like it comes down to issue with encoding the last timestamp column, but why are the TIMESTAMP columns parsed as StringType()
Spark dataframe schema that is being written:
|-- column1: string (nullable = true)
|-- column2: string (nullable = true)
|-- column3: float (nullable = true)
|-- column4: integer (nullable = true)
|-- column5: integer (nullable = true)
|-- column6: integer (nullable = true)
|-- column7: string (nullable = true)
|-- column8: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- column9: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- customProperty9: string (nullable = true)
|-- customProperty10: string (nullable = true)
|-- updated: timestamp (nullable = false)
and the target Redshift table has the equivalent schema data types, anyone an idea of where this issue might come from?
UPDATE #2 As a workaround i write the timestamps as strings instead, however looking at the temp files of the intermediate results it looks like there is an issue with the timestamp format, more specifically:
The source MySQL timestamps in column8&9 have format "2014-12-22 08:32:56"
Spark timestamps add a fraction part like "2014-12-22 08:32:54.000" even if i specify the format to be ""yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss". This was hard to spot as even omits those.
Using AVRO temp file format i indeed see in the schema specification that Spark timestamp columns are parsed as strings, even though in the df schema they appear as timestamps as above. AWS Redshift documentation says the default format accepts fraction up to 5 digits, however this proved not to be true in this case at least
Setting TIMEFORMAT 'auto' in the extraCopyOptions appears(?) to solve the issue locally, but since i am using AWS Glue for my Spark job i cannot be sure as i cannot load all the data locally to see if a malformed record creates the problem. I wouldn't bet on it though as i tried to cast all 3 columns to the same format with
withColumn('column', F.to_timestamp('column', format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))
and this also didnt work, as the fraction milliseconds remain as well. What is strange is that the columns containing the timestamps in string format after the workaround do not look to maintain the fraction.
Does this issue ring any bell to someone with more knowledge in the internals of the spark-redshift data source?
Me Too
My problem is that SOMETIMES the application crashes with a
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp
Strange thing is that it happens SOMETIMES!
Facing the same issue.
The error I'm getting is
Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss when reading data from redshift through pyspark
I am reading data into Spark from MySQL tables for my application, due to the context and depending on the input arguments i need to get either all records that were updated before today OR only the records that were updated until the requested date (included).
and the query is
This timestamp column is discarded as soon as the data are read into Spark dataframes and the ETL contains no other timestamp-related manipulations. The final step is to write the manipulated records to AWS Redshift tables.
My problem is that SOMETIMES the application crashes with a
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp
when writing to Redshift, but i guess the issue comes from converting when reading and is just Spark lazy execution that gives the exception when writing to Redshift (there are no timestamp or date columns in the target Redshift tables whatsoever)In the last month and for 4 different jobs that run daily i got this exception in the logs about 15% of the time and then the jobs failed, but it runs fine most of the time which is making it impossible to reproduce the issue or debug further.
I suspect the String-> Timestamp casting within the SQL query creates the problem, but i am not sure how i can achieve the same in another way that will not throw this exception. Any help greatly appreciated!
More stacktrace info: