databricks / sqltools-databricks-driver

SQLTools driver for Databricks SQL
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Column list isn't showing up in the Databricks session.sql file #73

Open tmargarian opened 8 months ago

tmargarian commented 8 months ago

After configuring the connection I can see the schemas/tables/columns in the tree. However, the code completion only appears for schemas and table names but NOT for columns in my case. I found nothing online. Here's the SQLTools console output after attempting autocomplete for columns

[1699950743860] INFO  (ls): completion requested {"line":1,"character":9}
    ns: "intellisense"
searchItems connection.column  {
  tables: [
      label: '<table_name>',
      database: '<schema_name>'

[1699950743864] INFO  (ls): got 0 column completions
    ns: "intellisense"
(node:42781) Warning: Label 'get columns' already exists for console.time()