databricks / terraform-databricks-examples

Examples of using Terraform to deploy Databricks resources
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aws-workspace-uc-simple example not working #127

Closed deedeeck closed 2 months ago

deedeeck commented 3 months ago

Trying out aws-workspace-uc-simple from (link) and just running a terraform plan is already giving errors

│ Error: Unsupported argument │ │ on .terraform/modules/examples_example_aws-workspace-uc-simple.aws_base.vpc/ line 32, in resource "aws_vpc" "this": │ 32: enable_classiclink = var.enable_classiclink │ │ An argument named "enable_classiclink" is not │ expected here. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Unsupported argument │ │ on .terraform/modules/examples_example_aws-workspace-uc-simple.aws_base.vpc/ line 33, in resource "aws_vpc" "this": │ 33: enable_classiclink_dns_support = var.enable_classiclink_dns_support │ │ An argument named "enable_classiclink_dns_support" is │ not expected here. ╵ ╷ │ Error: Unsupported argument │ │ on .terraform/modules/examples_example_aws-workspace-uc-simple.aws_base.vpc/ line 1306, in resource "aws_default_vpc" "this": │ 1306: enable_classiclink = var.default_vpc_enable_classiclink │ │ An argument named "enable_classiclink" is not │ expected here.