databricks / terraform-databricks-sra

The Security Reference Architecture (SRA) implements typical security features as Terraform Templates that are deployed by most high-security organizations, and enforces controls for the largest risks that customers ask about most often.
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[AWS] Add Govcloud ARN support #54

Open metrocavich opened 3 months ago

metrocavich commented 3 months ago

Many of the ARN need to be modified not only to allow for different role/bucket/resource names but the second identifier in an ARN "arn:aws:iam::414351767826:user/databricks-datasets-readonly-user" needs to become something like "arn:aws-us-gov:iam::414351767826:user/databricks-datasets-readonly-user"

We also need to include the appropriate UC roles for Govcloud.

jdbraun-db commented 2 months ago

New top-level folder for AWS gov cloud will be added