databricks / terraform-provider-databricks

Databricks Terraform Provider
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[ISSUE] Issue with `databricks_token`, `databricks_secret_scope` and `databricks_workspace_conf` resource #3137

Open russellseymour opened 7 months ago

russellseymour commented 7 months ago


resource "databricks_token" "pat" {
  comment = var.databricks_pat_comment
  // 120 day token
  lifetime_seconds = 120 * 24 * 60 * 60
  depends_on       = [module.adb]

resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "databricks_token" {
  name         = var.databricks-token
  value        = databricks_token.pat.token_value
  key_vault_id =
  depends_on   = [module.adb, module.kv_default]

resource "databricks_secret_scope" "kv" {
  name = var.databricks_secret_scope_kv

  keyvault_metadata {
    resource_id =
    dns_name    = module.kv_default.vault_uri
  depends_on = [module.adb, module.kv_default]

The databricks module that we have created looks like:

resource "azurerm_databricks_workspace" "example" {
  name                                  = var.resource_namer
  location                              = var.resource_group_location
  resource_group_name                   = var.resource_group_name
  sku                                   = var.databricks_sku
  public_network_access_enabled         = var.public_network_access_enabled
  network_security_group_rules_required = var.managed_vnet ? null : var.network_security_group_rules_required
  managed_resource_group_name           = "databricks-rg-${var.resource_group_name}"
  load_balancer_backend_address_pool_id = var.create_lb ? azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool.lb_be_pool[0].id : null

  dynamic "custom_parameters" {
    for_each = var.enable_private_network == false ? toset([]) : toset([1])
    content {
      no_public_ip                                         = true
      public_subnet_name                                   = var.managed_vnet ? null : (var.create_subnets ? azurerm_subnet.public_subnet[0].name : var.public_subnet_name)
      private_subnet_name                                  = var.managed_vnet ? null : (var.create_subnets ? azurerm_subnet.private_subnet[0].name : var.private_subnet_name)
      virtual_network_id                                   = var.managed_vnet ? null : var.virtual_network_id
      vnet_address_prefix                                  = var.managed_vnet ? null : (var.vnet_address_prefix == "" ? null : var.vnet_address_prefix)
      public_subnet_network_security_group_association_id  = var.managed_vnet ? null : azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.public[0].id
      private_subnet_network_security_group_association_id = var.managed_vnet ? null : azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.private[0].id
      nat_gateway_name                                     = var.managed_vnet ? null : (var.create_nat ? azurerm_nat_gateway.nat[0].name : null)
      public_ip_name                                       = var.managed_vnet ? null : (var.create_nat ? azurerm_public_ip.pip[0].name : null)

  tags = var.resource_tags
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
  depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.public_subnet, azurerm_subnet.private_subnet]

Expected Behavior

When running terraform destroy the resources should be removed from Azure

Actual Behavior

Although the provider was able to create the resources using a Service Principal with Contributor access it is not able to delete them. We get the following error messages:

Error: cannot delete secret scope: default auth: cannot configure default credentials, please check to configure credentials for your preferred authentication method. Config: azure_client_secret=***, azure_client_id=d474405c-xxxx-4c99-xxxx-da12502b13b4, azure_tenant_id=d483ed84-f7bf-xxxx-xxxx-fb250feccf8f. Env: ARM_CLIENT_SECRET, ARM_CLIENT_ID, ARM_TENANT_ID

Error: cannot delete token: default auth: cannot configure default credentials, please check to configure credentials for your preferred authentication method. Config: azure_client_secret=***, azure_client_id=d474405c-xxxx-4c99-xxxx-da12502b13b4, azure_tenant_id=d483ed84-f7bf-xxxx-xxxx-fb250feccf8f. Env: ARM_CLIENT_SECRET, ARM_CLIENT_ID, ARM_TENANT_ID

Error: cannot delete workspace conf: default auth: cannot configure default credentials, please check to configure credentials for your preferred authentication method. Config: azure_client_secret=***, azure_client_id=d474405c-xxxx-4c99-xxxx-da12502b13b4, azure_tenant_id=d483ed84-f7bf-xxxx-xxxx-fb250feccf8f. Env: ARM_CLIENT_SECRET, ARM_CLIENT_ID, ARM_TENANT_ID

Steps to Reproduce

Create an Azure Data Bricks instance in Azure using Terraform and create the toke, secret_scope and workspace_conf resources, then run

  1. terraform plan -out tfplan
  2. terraform apply tfplan
  3. terraform plan -destroy -out destroy.tfplan
  4. terraform destroy destroy.tfplan

Terraform and provider versions

Terraform v1.5.1
on linux_amd64

Is it a regression?

Not that I am aware of

Debug Output

Important Factoids


Would you like to implement a fix?

No as I do not knoww what the issue is

alexott commented 7 months ago

show the provider block...

stonenw-va commented 7 months ago

Not sure about the OP, but here is my provider block. I have the same issue when using version 1.30.0. The reason I am using an older version is due to other issues regarding USGovernment. I think this is a sequencing error internal to Terraform databricks.

provider "databricks" { alias = "databricks_workspace1" host = length(module.databricks) > 0 ? module.databricks[local.databricks_keys[0]].databricks_workspace_url : "empty" azure_workspace_resource_id = length(module.databricks) > 0 ? module.databricks[local.databricks_keys[0]] : "empty" azure_environment = "usgovernment" }

For additional context I have two modules, one which creates the Databricks Workspace in Azure, and then another which configures the workspace using the values from the Databricks Workspace and configuring the provider above.

russellseymour commented 7 months ago

We have written a module that creates an Azure Databricks Workspace. The output of this module is the host and the azure_workspace_resource_id which we reference in the provider:

provider "databricks" {
  host                        = module.adb.databricks_hosturl
  azure_workspace_resource_id = module.adb.adb_databricks_id
  auth_type                   = "azure-client-secret"

However we had a thought that when being destroyed the module information is being removed before we get to these resources, so the host and azure_workspace_resource_id is no longer valid. So as a test we changed it to this:

provider "databricks" {
  host                        = module.adb.databricks_hosturl != "" ? module.adb.databricks_hosturl : var.adb_databricks_hosturl
  azure_workspace_resource_id = module.adb.adb_databricks_id != "" ? module.adb.adb_databricks_id : var.adb_databricks_id
  auth_type                   = "azure-client-secret"

Now when we run the destroy we set the variables accordingly so they do not come from the module output anymore. This has changed the error we get to:

infra:destroy:plan: │ Error: cannot read token: Invalid resource ID
infra:destroy:plan: │
infra:destroy:plan: │   with databricks_token.pat,
infra:destroy:plan: │   on line 359, in resource "databricks_token" "pat":
infra:destroy:plan: │  359: resource "databricks_token" "pat" {
infra:destroy:plan: │
infra:destroy:plan: ╵
infra:destroy:plan: ╷
infra:destroy:plan: │ Error: cannot read secret scope: Invalid resource ID
infra:destroy:plan: │
infra:destroy:plan: │   with databricks_secret_scope.kv,
infra:destroy:plan: │   on line 381, in resource "databricks_secret_scope" "kv":
infra:destroy:plan: │  381: resource "databricks_secret_scope" "kv" {
infra:destroy:plan: │
infra:destroy:plan: ╵
infra:destroy:plan: ╷
infra:destroy:plan: │ Error: cannot read workspace conf: Invalid resource ID
infra:destroy:plan: │
infra:destroy:plan: │   with databricks_workspace_conf.this[0],
infra:destroy:plan: │   on line 391, in resource "databricks_workspace_conf" "this":
infra:destroy:plan: │  391: resource "databricks_workspace_conf" "this" {

There does not appear to be a way to provide additional properties that may make this work.

Is it possible to actually destroy Databricks resources using Terraform?