I have a scenario where in bronze table i am inserting the data with metadata columns _metadata.file_name and _metadata.file_path,
but i now have to append the historic data into this bronze table , but i am not able to fetch _metadata.file_path and modification_file_name. Is it possible to do so. if yes please tell me the json.
this below json fails when we run it.
is it possibel to include "source_metadata": { } in bronze_append_flows as shown in code.
I have a scenario where in bronze table i am inserting the data with metadata columns _metadata.file_name and _metadata.file_path, but i now have to append the historic data into this bronze table , but i am not able to fetch _metadata.file_path and modification_file_name. Is it possible to do so. if yes please tell me the json.
eg: this below json fails when we run it. is it possibel to include "source_metadata": { } in bronze_append_flows as shown in code.
"bronze_append_flows": [ { "name": "customer_bronze_flow", "create_streaming_table": false, "source_format": "cloudFiles", "source_details": { "source_path_it": "{dbfs_path}/integration_tests/resources/data/customers_af", "source_schema_path": "{dbfs_path}/integration_tests/resources/customers.ddl",
this part will work or not