API for manipulating time series on top of Apache Spark: lagged time values, rolling statistics (mean, avg, sum, count, etc), AS OF joins, downsampling, and interpolation
There are a number of collect()[0][0] instances in the Tempo code which trigger deprecation warnings if used in DLT pipelines. Perhaps replace collect()[0][0] with head()[0]. Accomplishes the same thing while avoiding the deprecation warning and might even bring a marginal performance boost since only the top row instead of the whole data frame would move to the driver node.
There are a number of collect()[0][0] instances in the Tempo code which trigger deprecation warnings if used in DLT pipelines. Perhaps replace collect()[0][0] with head()[0]. Accomplishes the same thing while avoiding the deprecation warning and might even bring a marginal performance boost since only the top row instead of the whole data frame would move to the driver node.