datacarpentry / ecology-workshop

Ecology Workshop Overview
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Transition to The Carpentries Workbench #40

Closed ErinBecker closed 3 months ago

ErinBecker commented 10 months ago

(Related to #38)

Hi @datacarpentry/ecology-workshop-maintainers

The Curriculum Team is preparing to transition all of the workshop/curriculum overview sites to the Workbench. @zkamvar has set a tentative migration date of Monday 18th September. This change will bring all of the overview sites, including this one, back in line with all of the official lessons that were transitioned to the new infrastructure in May.

What do you need to do?

To help us prepare for a smooth transition, we invite you to:

  1. explore the preview of the transitioned version of the overview site:
  2. process any pull requests made to the repository, ensuring that they are all merged or closed before the transition takes place. Any open pull requests on this repository will be invalidated by the transition. There are currently Zero (0) open pull requests on the repository. 🎉
  3. post the questions and concerns you have about the transition here, tagging @tobyhodges.

What happens next?

After the transition, Maintainers will temporarily lose their write access to the repository as a safety measure, ensuring that the old project history cannot be accidentally pushed back into the repository. The steps to restore access are relatively straightforward (see an example from the completed transition of another lesson) and you can expect detailed instructions and further support from the Curriculum Team when the transition takes place.

Beyond that, you can expect to continue maintaining the repository as you were before, while taking advantage of the simplified layout and syntax that the new infrastructure offers. main will become the default branch of the repository (currently gh-pages), and files currently located in _extras/ will be divided between two new folders: learners/ and instructors/. You can read more about the changes to repository structure/organisation and source file syntax in the Workbench Transition Guide.

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

This lesson will be converted to use The Carpentries Workbench To prevent accidental reversion of the changes, we are temporarily revoking write access for all collaborators on this lesson:

If you no longer wish to have write access to this repository, you do not need to do anything further.

  1. What you can expect from the transition 📹:
  2. How to update your local clone 💻:
  3. How to update (delete) your fork (if you have one) 📹:

If you wish to regain write access, please re-clone the repository on your machine and then comment here with I am ready for write access :rocket: and the admin maintainer of this repository will restore your permissions.

If you have any questions, please reply here and tag @zkamvar

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

The Workbench version is now live:

In addition, here is map of commits that were changed during the transition

bencomp commented 9 months ago

I am ready for write access :rocket:

tobyhodges commented 9 months ago

Thank you @bencomp. Your access has been restored.

iramosp commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am ready for write access :rocket:

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

@iramosp access granted!

vinisalazar commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am ready for write access.

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

@vinisalazar access granted!

btovar commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am ready for write access 🚀

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

@btovar access granted!

joongsup commented 9 months ago

I am ready for write access :rocket:

zkamvar commented 9 months ago

@joongsup access granted!

jamesmbaazam commented 9 months ago

I am ready for write access :rocket:

tobyhodges commented 9 months ago

Thanks, @jamesmbaazam. Your access has been restored