datacarpentry / rr-version-control

Reproducible Science Curriculum Lesson for Version Control
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materials for git in RStudio - Module 2 Demo #7

Closed kcranston closed 8 years ago

kcranston commented 8 years ago

When teaching git using GitHub only (see issue #4), the participants were eager to know how to use git on their own machines. I wonder about having some materials for git in RSTudio? There are already some nice resources online that we could re-purpose:

Of course, this means doing some amount of local setup (and can this be done without touching bash?). Or, just having this as a demo.

jennybc commented 8 years ago

I just cleaned up our entire set of tutorials on this. Feel free to reuse, modify, whatever:

hlapp commented 8 years ago

This seems like a great idea to me that's worth trying. :+1:

jennybc commented 8 years ago

How soon would anyone teach this? Because I have thoughts on how to eliminate/delay the need to go to the shell for beginners, i.e. accomplish the git "on ramp" from within R (other than installation).

iamciera commented 8 years ago

I like this idea too! Especially if they are using it already throughout the course and @jennybc has already done a lot of the heavy lifting.

I never use git through RStudio, but I remember discussing this option with @fmichonneau and he was telling me that there is one git feature that RStudio doesn't support which he thought was a big caveat. @fmichonneau, do you remember that conversation?

jennybc commented 8 years ago

I'm guessing ithe missing feature is adding a remote and making it "upstream" of local master branch. This is part of what I'm proposing to wrap in something novice-friendly so we can work with Git and GitHub from RStudio in settings where we'd like to avoid going to the shell for magical Git incantations.

fmichonneau commented 8 years ago

@jennybc is correct. Working with branches and doing pull request require to use the command line. However, teaching simply how to pull/push to a repository would work well and is probably enough for the purpose of the RSC.

Another challenge when I taught it in my course was that at least one student had one of the Mac OSX versions released in the past 5 years, and each of them required different tricks to get the full setup to work. Between the wiki for Software carpentry (, and @jennybc and @kbroman websites, none of them are insurmountable.

iamciera commented 8 years ago

According to the new outline:, create a file that outlines a demo that illustrates how to use git in Rstudio.