Added specific label filtering to the Cluster Topology page.
1. Instructions on how the filtering works:
There is a Filter by Label button on the Cluster Topology page which opens the Add Label Filter dialog.
The Add Label Filter has two fields one to set the label to filter on and another to set the value. The label selector has an autocomplete dropdown that contains all the possible labels in your cluster. When a label is selected the label value input also has an autocomplete dropdown of all the possible values of the specific labels.
Once a filter is added, it shows above the graph as a small label next to the filter button. The graph is updated accordingly to filter on pod labels that match the selected filters.
Beside each filter is a small button that can be used to remove the filter.
Multiple filters can be added and removed based on user requirements.
Added specific label filtering to the Cluster Topology page.
1. Instructions on how the filtering works:
2. Updated Links to github and issues in UI
3. Updated graph legend.