datacite / bolognese

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata
MIT License
40 stars 14 forks source link

Case study for JATS export #18

Closed mfenner closed 6 years ago

mfenner commented 6 years ago

References for DOI

    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "APL regulates vascular tissue identity in Arabidopsis"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "In the beginning was the worm"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Secondary xylem development in Arabidopsis: a model for wood formation"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Training nu-support vector classifiers: theory and algorithms"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Support-vector Networks"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Stem cell function during plant vascular development"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "WOX4 and WOX14 act downstream of the PXY receptor kinase to regulate plant vascular proliferation independently of any role in vascular organisation"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Plant vascular cell division is maintained by an interaction between PXY and ethylene signalling"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Clustering phenotype populations by genome-wide RNAi and multiparametric imaging"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "BaSAR-A tool in R for frequency detection"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Developmental mechanisms regulating secondary growth in woody plants"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "TDIF peptide signaling regulates vascular stem cell proliferation via the WOX4 homeobox gene in Arabidopsis"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Non-cell-autonomous control of vascular stem cell fate by a CLE peptide/receptor system"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Arabidopsis, a useful weed"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Plants compared to animals: the broadest comparative study of development"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "A weed for wood? Arabidopsis as a genetic model for xylem development"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "What is a support vector machine?"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Classification of cultured mammalian cells by shape analysis and pattern recognition"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "EBImage–an R package for image processing with applications to cellular phenotypes"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Mobile gibberellin directly stimulates Arabidopsis hypocotyl xylem expansion"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Data from: Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Flowering as a condition for xylem expansion in Arabidopsis hypocotyl and root"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Evolution of development of vascular cambia and secondary growth"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Cell morphology classification and clutter mitigation in phase-contrast microscopy images using machine learning"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "Mechanical stress acts via katanin to amplify differences in growth rate between adjacent cells in Arabidopsis"
}, {
    "type": "CreativeWork",
    "id": "",
    "title": "A screen for morphological complexity identifies regulators of switch-like transitions between discrete cell shapes"
mfenner commented 6 years ago

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mfenner commented 6 years ago

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