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User stories for longitudinal study data PIDs #37

Open RachaelKotarski opened 5 years ago

RachaelKotarski commented 5 years ago

“As a policy maker, I want to cite specific subsets and extractions of data from longitudinal studies as evidence for policy change”

“As a researcher, I want to be able to find the survey instruments used to collect longitudinal data, so that I can collect my own data with the same survey, making the data comparable.”

“As a policy maker, I want to know which longitudinal project collected which data, so that I can contact them for more information”

“As an institution, I want to know which researcher collected which data from a longitudinal study, so that I can look at the contribution of our institution specifically to the research”.

BlemonBL commented 5 years ago

From Richard Ostler at Rothamsted Research ( Our datasets can span many decades and staff/funding will change over time. We have a good record of staff who have contributed to data collection/curation with employment start and end dates, but cannot capture this, therefore we cannot differentiate between contemporary and previous staff contributions [see fourth bullet point above]. Previous staff can also relate to the issue PIDs for historical people, for example we are currently re-compiling an historical dataset created by R A Fisher nearly 100 years ago.

We also have the issue highlighted here about extracting subsets (we are often asked for specific year ranges or treatment plots). Many of our datasets are also updated annually. Since we’re only appending new data rather than correcting previously published data we would prefer not keep minting new DOIs annually – for experiments running over decades, publishing annual datasets with their own DOI isn’t an appealing prospect!

ChrisVFerg commented 5 years ago

Not for WP3