datacite / stats-portal

Static website for DataCite summary statistics
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stats portal can't show stats for SPBPU #14

Closed kjgarza closed 6 years ago

kjgarza commented 6 years ago

Solr API can't show result eirther*&fq=has_metadata%3Atrue&fq=is_active%3Atrue&fq=allocator_facet%3A%22SPBPU+-+Peter+the+Great+Polytechnic+University%22&

however search and fabrica work ok:

[10:21] and fabrica


kjgarza commented 6 years ago

TRailing spaces in the name of the datacentre are causing the error. lupo and bracco should catch this. Potential solution in Lupo :

AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or ActiveModel attributes. It's good for removing accidental spaces from user inputs (e.g. when user copy/pastes some value to a form and the value has extra spaces at the end).

kjgarza commented 6 years ago

more users less fetures

kjgarza commented 6 years ago

Should be fixed by next SOLR index