datacontract / datacontract-cli

CLI to manage your datacontract.yaml files
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Add Support to Export to DBML #215

Closed jpraetorius closed 1 month ago

jpraetorius commented 1 month ago
jpraetorius commented 1 month ago

Fixes #135

simonharrer commented 1 month ago

A few comments:

simonharrer commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure what types we should present there. I think it might be valuable using the logical types of the datacontract.yaml, but it could also be nice with the type mapping of a particular server technology (snowflake, postgres, etc.). Regardless, what types are used should be stated in the comments at the start of the generated file.

jpraetorius commented 1 month ago
simonharrer commented 1 month ago

Love it. Thanks for the contribution!