datacontract / datacontract-cli

CLI to manage your datacontract.yaml files
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add export endpoint to datacontract api #221

Closed torbenkeller closed 1 month ago

torbenkeller commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the amount of files, I had to resetup my venv and it ranruff check --fix and ruff format

jochenchrist commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the amount of files, I had to resetup my venv and it ranruff check --fix and ruff format

OK, I also run ruff format on main, can you rebase/merge?

torbenkeller commented 1 month ago

@jochenchrist I think your raff format did not respect the line lenght of 120. At least my run did unwrap a few lines

jochenchrist commented 1 month ago

@jochenchrist I think your raff format did not respect the line lenght of 120. At least my run did unwrap a few lines

Thanks, you are correct. My IntelliJ settings on Optimize imports changed the imports afterward 🙈