datacontract / datacontract-cli

CLI to manage your datacontract.yaml files
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Import ODCS Contracts #235

Closed jpraetorius closed 3 weeks ago

jpraetorius commented 1 month ago

Addresses #105

@jochenchrist this is at least missing tests, but before heading on to them I'd just wanted to get your opinion, since I think for ODCS the mapping is not as straight forward as for some of the other specs I've seen. We might map more things depending on more magic strings for some of the SLA Properties for example, or we could try to coerce a columns examples to strings, but I'm not sure how far we want to take this, so input is welcome, before we make this a proper PR.

simonharrer commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! We'll start with this, and probably refine this along the way.