datacontract / datacontract-cli

CLI to manage your datacontract.yaml files
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Improve spacing of 'Servers' section of data contract html page #247

Closed Collinbrown95 closed 3 weeks ago

Collinbrown95 commented 3 weeks ago


When I run datacontract export datacontract.yaml --format html > datacontract.html on the example provided in the repo, the Servers section of the html page places the headings and the values close together as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot from 2024-06-06 23-36-51

Proposed Solution

I wrapped the dt and dd elements in a <div class="flex flex-col">, and also added px-3 (horizontal padding) to each div. The modified layout looks as follows.

Screenshot from 2024-06-06 23-47-33

I'll open a PR with the implementation described above, happy to revise this approach if one of the maintainers has another idea.

jochenchrist commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting and the PR.

I also fixed the underlying root cause: The partial was missing in the tailwindcss processor (we need to think about a better solution here), as the gap-x-4 was not picked up.