datacute / Tiny4kOLED

Library for an ATTiny85 to use an SSD1306 powered, double buffered, 128x32 pixel OLED, over I2C
MIT License
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OLED 128x32 - rotate 180dg? #22

Closed classic-audio closed 4 years ago

classic-audio commented 4 years ago

I have been seaching for a function to rotate the text 180dg on a OLED 128x32 display, but I cannot find such a command. Is it possible to rotate the text on the 128x32 OLED display?

datacute commented 4 years ago

Thanks for asking. Yes, it is possible to rotate the entire display 180 degrees.

There are two settings (setComOutputDirection and setSegmentRemap), that result in mirroring in either axis, and in the latest version I made this even easier, and more obvious, by adding a oled.setRotation(0) method.

I'll add that method in to the examples.

There isn't a way of rotating just the text, but I think that the text is the only thing where it matters what the orientation is, so rotating the entire display should work.

mohitbhoite commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the awesome library! Is there a way to rotate the display (ssd1306 128x32) by 90 degrees?

datacute commented 1 year ago

Sorry @mohitbhoite no there isn't. The library makes extensive use of the ssd1306 memory structure being 'pages' of 8 pixels mapping to the display in various ways, but not rotated 90 degrees.