datacute / Tiny4kOLED

Library for an ATTiny85 to use an SSD1306 powered, double buffered, 128x32 pixel OLED, over I2C
MIT License
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Non-Blocking when OLED disconnected? #48

Closed IAmOrion closed 1 year ago

IAmOrion commented 1 year ago

This may seem like an odd usage case scenario, but I have a small ATTiny85 circuit, where the OLED screen is "optional" The problem, I just discovered, is that if the OLED is not connected, nothing works! I assume it's preventing the sketch from continuing as the OLED was not detected. (Every GPIO pin is in use, so I don't have a spare one to use as a switch to toggle the OLED depending on the GPIO state)

Adafruit do this using this in the setup()

  if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, SCREEN_ADDRESS)) {
    Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed"));
    for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever

But of course, you can comment out or just remove the for(;;); part, and everything works and continues as normal even when the OLED is disconnected.

I can't seem to find where this Tink4KOLED library is doing this similar action? I presume it must be because, as I mentioned, if the OLED is disconnect, then it "freezes" - nothing continues.

So can I go about using this library in a non-blocking fashion? So that if the OLED is not connected, everything carries on as normal!?

datacute commented 1 year ago

The simple solution, depending on which OLED you have, and which I2C implementation you are using, is to #define TINY4KOLED_QUICK_BEGIN before including Tiny4kOLED.

If you search for that in this library's source code, you can see how that should work, and you could write a test of whether an OLED is connected.

IAmOrion commented 1 year ago

Ah, yeah, I did find that, but all my OLEDs are Blue (since that's the most common I guess) so didn't go with that as it states it's for White OLEDs.

I'll try and investigate how to check if an OLED is connected. I guess looking at the basic I2C Scanner examples would be a good start (Although I'm using TinyI2C rather than Wire)

EDIT: I'm obviously being dumb as I don't see how to test whether OLED is connected :( As a test I tried this (After looking at the 'tiny4koled_begin_tinyi2c' function) BUT for me it always return false indefinitely

#define OLED_ADDRESS 0x3C
bool OLEDConected = false;

EDIT2: I switched to Wire.h & got it all working including checking if connected! Thanks

datacute commented 1 year ago

I'm pleased you got it working. With TinyI2C , when TinyI2c.start returns true, you need to call TinyI2c.stop.