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PUTing metadata causes 500 internal server error in zenodo #2907

Closed sfisher closed 8 months ago

sfisher commented 10 months ago


Our job id: 94281

2023-10-27T21:35:32Z REQUEST: get,
   {:params=>{:access_token=>"hidden"}, :headers=>{:"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}}

2023-10-27T21:35:33Z RESPONSE: #<HTTP::Response/1.1 200 OK {"server"=>"nginx", "date"=>"Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:35:33 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/json", "content-length"=>"4362", "vary"=>"Accept-Encoding", "etag"=>"\"2\"", "access-control-allow-origin"=>"*", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Content-Type, ETag, Link, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset", "x-ratelimit-limit"=>"133", "x-ratelimit-remaining"=>"131", "x-ratelimit-reset"=>"1698442594", "retry-after"=>"60", "permissions-policy"=>"interest-cohort=()", "x-frame-options"=>"sameorigin", "x-xss-protection"=>"1; mode=block", "x-content-type-options"=>"nosniff", "content-security-policy"=>"default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob:", "strict-transport-security"=>["max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains", "max-age=15768000"], "referrer-policy"=>"strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "set-cookie"=>["session=5ed91bd96ee5d0e4_653c2d25.Oi256ZQuJN72W65jzwm2dxTHC3E; Secure; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Lax", "5569e5a730cade8ff2b54f1e815f3670=48e5af93898ed5e900c8f2227124543a; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None"], "x-request-id"=>"85becd3ccfd35e6bb702929e5f3ac281", "cache-control"=>"private", "connection"=>"close"}>

2023-10-27T21:35:35Z REQUEST: put,
   {:json=>{:metadata=>{"doi"=>"10.5281/zenodo.8417043", "upload_type"=>"other", "title"=>" Selection of efficient ectomycorrhizal fungi for improved growth, biomass and nutrient uptake of shorea robusta seedlings", "creators"=>[{"name"=>"Kumar, Jitender", "affiliation"=>"Punjabi University", "orcid"=>"0000-0002-9007-0306"}, {"name"=>"Atri, N.S.", "affiliation"=>"Punjabi University"}], "description"=>"<p>Shorea robusta Gaertn. forests are rapidly decreasing across India owing to the low survival rate and establishment of their seedlings. Because of this, the present study identified ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associates of S. robusta and the role they play in increasing the growth and efficiency of nutrient uptake by the mycorrhizal roots of this plant. During the field survey, we identified, collected, cultured, and systematically investigated three dominant ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associates of S. robusta, namely Russula kanadii Dutta &amp; Acharya, R. cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr. and Lactarius shiwalikensis Kumar &amp; Atri, organically connected to the host plant roots. The pure cultures of each of these mycorrhizal fungal associates were grown using tissue culture techniques. We prepared spawns via purified mycelium using boiled wheat grains for mass inoculation and used the prepared inoculums for inoculating the germinating Sal seeds for establishing the mycorrhizal association. To evaluate the effects of mycorrhizal colonization on various growth parameters, we observed the inoculated and control plants every 3 months for 1year. The growth parameters in the Sal seedlings grown in ECM-inoculated soil exhibited significantly higher values over the un-inoculated control soil owing to the increased uptake of both macro and micronutrients. The overall results indicate that S. robusta seedlings inoculated with ECM fungal partners exhibited better establishment and enhanced growth and development, essential for the regeneration and survival of this plant. This technique will accelerate and assure successful reforestation programs and contribute toward appropriate functioning of Sal forest ecosystems.</p>", "access_right"=>"open", "license"=>"CC-BY-4.0", "keywords"=>["Sal forest", "Himalayas", "Ectomycorrhiza", "internal transcribed spacer", "Lactarius shiwalikensis", "Sal forest", "Himalayas", "Ectomycorrhiza", "internal transcribed spacer", "Lactarius shiwalikensis", "Sal forest", "Himalayas", "Ectomycorrhiza", "internal transcribed spacer", "Lactarius shiwalikensis"], "notes"=>"<p>Funding provided by: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research<br/>Crossref Funder Registry ID:<br/>Award Number: 09/140(159)/2014-EMR-1</p>", "related_identifiers"=>[{"relation"=>"isDerivedFrom", "identifier"=>"", "scheme"=>"doi"}], "method"=>"<p><span style=\"font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%;font-family:'Times New Roman' , 'serif';\">In present study for artificial synthesis of mycorrhiza three ECM associates namely <em>Russula kanadii</em>, <em>R. cyanoxantha</em> and <em>Lactarius shiwalikensis</em> were selected. To confirm their identity both traditional and molecular taxonomic techniques were applied. All the necessary requirements for artificial synthesis of mycorrhiza including raising of pure cultures of the selected mushrooms, preparation of spawn, collection, evaluation and preparation of soil for seed sowing, collection of seeds, etc. was completed before setting up the actual experiment. In all five experiment sets consisting of 40 polybags (20 x 21 cm2) in each including two controls were setup. Regular reading for the identified parameters was taken after every 3 months for one year. The data generated was statistically analysed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. Artificially synthesised roots under controlled condition were also observed under stereomicroscope for confirmation of mycorrhizal association and morphological characterisation.</span></p>", "communities"=>[{"identifier"=>"dryad"}]}}, :params=>{:access_token=>"hidden"}, :headers=>{:"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}}

2023-10-27T21:35:36Z RESPONSE: #<HTTP::Response/1.1 500 Internal Server Error {"server"=>"nginx", "date"=>"Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:35:36 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/json", "content-length"=>"228", "set-cookie"=>["csrftoken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsImlhdCI6MTY5ODQ0MjUzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjk4NTI4OTM2fQ.InpRUnJqbGlHaTcxcUJvbmxxYkFUT2lmT2RwQ1hJdkhKIg._lQgGIPyZ5j38_yZPZgw9ekndDz-ekTSxg7RZyrWW2ZE9bsuS9w5WksoAULg0MJ8q16Nbjf8gfInCISZXcZejw; Expires=Fri, 03 Nov 2023 21:35:36 GMT; Max-Age=604800; Secure; Path=/; SameSite=Lax", "session=ee3ac5abadb64b92_653c2d28.aozAysw-awsrN7a0rKhNuZALXxE; Secure; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Lax", "5569e5a730cade8ff2b54f1e815f3670=48e5af93898ed5e900c8f2227124543a; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None"], "access-control-allow-origin"=>"*", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Content-Type, ETag, Link, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset", "x-ratelimit-limit"=>"133", "x-ratelimit-remaining"=>"129", "x-ratelimit-reset"=>"1698442597", "retry-after"=>"60", "permissions-policy"=>"interest-cohort=()", "x-frame-options"=>"sameorigin", "x-xss-protection"=>"1; mode=block", "x-content-type-options"=>"nosniff", "content-security-policy"=>"default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob:", "strict-transport-security"=>"max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains", "referrer-policy"=>"strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "connection"=>"close"}>
ahamelers commented 8 months ago

@sfisher what is the status of this ticket?

sfisher commented 8 months ago

This no longer happens in a way that can be duplicated anymore. We may occasionally get 500 errors for something. I'm closing this and this particular item is ok.