datadryad / dryad-product-roadmap

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Allow ROR ID to be an input in the affiliation and funding fields (in lieu of just the the name or alternate names) #3294

Open lauradryad opened 7 months ago

lauradryad commented 7 months ago

We would like to be able to match ROR fields with the ROR ID instead of just the name. Entries like “Ministry of Health” have about 40 options and the drop down box can’t display them all (re: 10.5061/dryad.vdncjsz3d and (Ministry of Health, Zambia)). It would help if we could put in the ROR ID (00hpqmv06) and get the correct one to come up in the drop down.

ahamelers commented 7 months ago

@lauradryad I think this would be a good/useful change, but might be a big one with a lot of knock-on effects, and should probably be part of a submission system redevelopment, complete with user testing. Instead, should we just double the limit on the result count for now?